2. Meeting the devil

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Jimin's pov

I was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. I had been driving for nearly seven hours straight and I still had another day on the road ahead of me. The sun had set two or three hours ago and it was getting a little late. I didn't know how much longer I could go on without falling asleep at the wheel, so I started looking out for a motel. One came up after about a mile so I pulled off the highway and drove into the reception area.

Ten minutes later I was back on the highway. There had been no vacancies at that motel so I kept a look out for the next one. I drove on for another nine or ten miles before I saw the welcoming lights of another night stop. The parking area was well lit and I caught a quick glimpse of a man standing in the doorway of the motel looking out. I slowed to pull in but then I noticed the lit sign which read 'No Vacancies' so I pushed on.

Is every damn motel full tonight?

I resigned myself to driving on for another few miles, hoping that the next motel would have at least one vacant room.

As I slowly drove by, the guy waved at me...or did he not? It looked like he had waved for me to pull in but, I thought I was probably tired and had obviously imagined it so I drove on.

I hadn't gone half a mile before I had a strange feeling; almost as if I was missing something, as well as a small sense of loss, as if I had left something behind. I pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. I quickly got out and opened the trunk. I did a quick check, but there was nothing missing. I closed the trunk and got back into the car. All my luggage was there and my document case was on the front seat beside me.

I certainly had not forgotten anything, besides, I'd done a thorough check before I'd left the hotel. Still, the odd feeling persisted. I sat in the car undecided for a few minutes and then made up my mind. I pulled off the road, took the U turn and headed back to the motel. It was almost as if it was drawing me to it, reeling me in and I realized that this was the feeling that was nagging at me. Within minutes I was back at the motel and I pulled in despite the 'No Vacancies' sign.

As I drove into the parking lot, the man I'd seen earlier, came out of the reception building carrying a trash bag. I parked the car and got out. I watched as he tossed the bag into a dumpster at the side of the building. He walked back around to the front and stopped under one of the parking lot lamps and stared back at me.

He was around my height...ok maybe a tiny bit taller, well built and by the light of the lamp, I judged him to be around my age or so. I couldn't quite make out his features because his face was in shadow but I surely seen he had jet black hair. He was wearing black jeans and a olive Jacket with white-black t-shirt. Typical dress for most guys in this deserted area.

I stood next to the car awkwardly, not sure whether I should leave or not because the strange feeling I was having had become a little more intense. For some odd reason, I was a little hesitant to approach him. Not that there was anything wrong with him. He looked pretty normal, but there was just something about him that.. disturbed me? No, that wasn't it. It was something else.. I couldn't put a name to it but it almost felt as if I was meant to meet him at that precise moment, like a strange feeling of déjà vu. It didn't feel wrong at all, it just felt....right?

"So you came back huh ."

third person pov

Yoongi called out. "Are you coming in or not?"

His voice brought Jimin back to reality. A deep, rich voice that for some obscure reason, caused a warm stirring in the pit of his stomach.

"I, um.. no! I mean yes.. I don't know.. !" he mumbled lamely, still wrestling with that strange feeling.

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