3. In the middle of nowhere

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Yoongi looked at the boy who was in front of him. The boy had very dark brown hair almost black but not all black and bright brown eyes.
He had a fair complexion which seemed to make his eyes seem more brilliant than they really were. His face was finely featured and well proportioned with high cheekbones and clean cut lines.

He'd seen a lot of handsome guys but he

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He'd seen a lot of handsome guys but he... he was the most beautiful man he'd ever seen. He had a petite body, his chest not that broad with a narrow slim waist. His body was that of a gymnast without being muscular but like perfect body. Yoongi wondered if he'd fit in his lap like any little boy. He smiled inwardly. Nice and cute, he thought, just how he like it.

"Hi" he began "So you decided to come in after all.”

"Oh.. yeah."

Yoongi s pov
He mumbled half-heartedly. I began to think that maybe he wasn't quite all there because he seemed to be very distracted. His brown eyes looked me up and down and then focused on my face. They seemed to cloud over a little and I knew that he was looking at my scar. It can be a little off to some people. For some reason it scared them. I had become quite used to it over the years so it didn't bother me at all.

"How long are you staying?"

I asked to draw his attention away from the ragged slash down my face.

"Um.. just tonight."

He replied nervously. I could sense that he was still pretty nervous, almost like he didn't want to be here. He was fidgeting, like he had a worrisome burden in his mind. Maybe my dangerous looking face was scaring him a little.

What the hell? Does he think I'm going to jump over the counter and attack him? Of course if I will, it would be for an entirely different reason.

I grinned inwardly at a sudden thought. Maybe he did have a worrisome burden in his mind. I suddenly realized that my mind was going off onto one track. What the hell, I berated myself, the boy's been here for about five minutes and all you can think about is dick! Time to get yourself a lover, I thought. I forced myself to concentrate on the present.

"Just passing through then." I said and picked up a pen.

"Yeah." He said. "On my way home."


Home? Jimin wasn't so sure whether he should call it that anymore. And waiting at 'home' for him... San! The man who had betrayed him and hurt him, who wanted forgiveness and understanding, both of which he was finding very difficult to provide.
If Jimin hadn't had to leave for the promotional tour and book signing for his new novel, he would be there now working on trying to save what he already thought of as a doomed relationship.
San had hurt him once too often and jimin was almost sure that their relationship was now in its dying stages, San had called him several times while he was away, he'd taken his first call but their conversation had been awkward and uncomfortable.
  He had not accepted any more calls from him after that. Now he was on his way 'home' to try and sort things out. In twenty-four hours he would be facing him down, a confrontation that Jimin was dreading with all his soul.

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