"Thank you for letting me know..." Kinn nodded, kissing his forehead. He would do better, he would be better for Porsche, his love was worth every work he would have to do on himself.

"However...you don't have to be sorry for the kidnapping...or for the wound...but for Tawan yes!" He slapped his head kindly.

Kinn giggled. "Here, my Porsche is back."

Porsche blushed and pouted. "You're always...making me melt. I hate it." He playfully said before pulling on his clothes to kiss him, softly, shily, feeling in his heart that some of the trust which had been scattered was being healed.

"Kinn...Kim will be okay right?"

"He will! He is willing to defeat the whole world to come back."

"He looks like this." Porsche giggled.

"You would be surprised to see him as a child...he was so tiny...so adorable...always running after us...always smiling and giggling. He would show us everything he had learnt. He would ask us for a story...he would be such a cute child."

"Who the fuck is that?"

Kinn laughed out loud. "He had inherited my mother's sweet side and curiosity but it's my dad's darkness that he developed while growing up...he tried to shape him like him because Kim and my father share some parts of their minds..."

"Does he look more like the sweet Kim you know since he met Chay?"

"For sure..."

"For both of them...he needs to wake up." Porsche murmured, feeling that he had been far from his brother for too long. "I am going to see him." He added, beginning to move.


"I know. I need to use crutches to walk, I know." He mocked him, taking them.

"Do you want me to help you go there?"

Porsche turned around, already judging his question. "Ain't no way. Go do what you need to do...I will just." He said getting closer and kissing his cheek. "Keep company with our brothers and give enough scolding aura to Kim because he made Chay cry for him to wake up." He winked before stumbling a small amount, not used to what should help him.

Kinn felt reassured, soft, on clouds, on one side, he felt worried, scared and fearful, on another side, and he felt absolutely revengeful on the last one. He was glad that Porsche insisted for them to not immediately jump on the situation. Now he was calmer, his anger wasn't lived but being contained inside his body, he was able to control it to hit where it would hurt the most.

"Pol!" Kinn called him with his phone.

"Yes Khun."

"Find Vegas. I don't care about his state, I just want him alive but find him, before anyone, before he can hide, before anything, whatever the method used. I want him in that house as soon as possible."

Pol went to work. Kinn was ready to face anything that might come their way.


"Arm, I want you and your team to look at every camera the past few days, even weeks. I want us to understand how Ken could communicate with our enemies, how he succeeded in stabbing our backs. I also want to know if the man who betrayed us first was with him, find anything, even the most stupid details of his personal life. I want it all." He ordered, surprised when he turned around and found his father staring at him.

Korn had a soft expression but dark eyes. He was composed but it felt as if he had a lot to say and not what Kinn wanted to hear.

"Can we play chess?" He asked innocently but Kinn knew exactly what he meant.


"Why won't you play?" Korn asked after Kinn refused the game into his own working room. He had also refused to follow his father into his part of the house. He needed to feel in power and he wouldn't let anyone try to push him into doing things he wouldn't agree with.

"I have other things to do, dad. If you don't know, your third son still hasn't woken up." Kinn said, a little poisonous. It was right that Korn didn't come to see Kim at all and it had given an icy taste into Kinn's mouth. He didn't know but since he had met Porsche, he was feeling less warmth coming from his dad, as if he was learning a different kind of comfort he preferred to gravitate around.

"Kim will. I know him, everything went great. There is no need to look this scared, Kinn."

"I guess." Kinn spitted, as he thought his father wouldn't even have the decency to look a small amount worried about his son.

"Won't you explain to me how it came to this?" Korn asked, playing with the pieces in his hands.

"Like what?"

"Like you couldn't keep your people with you, like you couldn't keep everything in order."

"This isn't how it went. And it has nothing to do with my authority."

"That's what you think. But Kinn, it's not the first time, you're too soft since Porsche arrived, that's not how I wanted you to rule the family."

"And you let me take the lead. You pushed me to be at the head. It has clearly weakened our power but it was bound to happen and it won't last and it won't even be seen anymore."

"Why are you so sure of yourself? Can't you see that you look weak!"

"Father. You're the only one to see this. Everything is going perfectly well."

"Not like your brother got shot for a stupid man. I shouldn't have let Porsche come inside that house, I thought that it would protect him but it just pushed you down."

Kinn let aside the weird point of Porsche needing to be protected by his father when he had never seen him before.

"Don't talk about him like this. Don't try to make me think that he is at the source of everything!"

"Because do you know? Do you know a better source than him?"

"OF COURSE!" Kinn screamed, not wanting to come to this point but he was boiling inside, he was just picturing his father as someone who wasn't on his side. He might have been slapped so hard by the last events that he was seeing everything differently now. He knew that his father was always trying to guide him as he wanted but he didn't want this anymore. He would crush anyone trying to get in his way, he would destroy anyone trying to hurt the one he loved, he would protect that house like hell, he would not let any men try to betray them.

Kinn's mind stopped.

Ken, Tawan, Vegas, Time, whatever. It looked as if something had been going on with them, something prepared for a moment but only hitting them now, something that put them in a difficult situation because they weren't ready for anything of this. However, the first man, the first one. He had for now no link with this. He asked Arm to find something but he wasn't sure anymore that it was linked. It came from nowhere, it came when Porchay arrived, it wasn't even lethal. The man had taken by surprise the bodyguard and yet no one was hurt. Everyone was safe, it just brought back bad memories to their brother and it gave Porchay a taste of what this world could be.

It looked suspicious. It wasn't logical. It gave the idea to Kinn that it might not come back from an outsider. Who would in that house be able to condemn a man to death just by his voice? He had his answer.

Kinn wanted to scream that it came from his uncle, from his cousin, that letting this situation evolve since they were young was stupid, that they would be more efficient by working together, that they were the first menace for them when they should be an ally.

The door of Kinn's working room was opened violently before he could even pronounce any words, a Porsche full of unshed tears appearing, not minding anything, not even trying to understand the situation.

"Kim woke up!" He screamed.

And in that voice, Porchay's own cries, he communicated with his Hia before, could be heard.

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now