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Lisa and Aria arrived at the park minutes later.

Alex settled on one of the finest benches and started to tell them why he had called them to the park.

"Remember when we were disappointed about not finding any place to travel – well, not anymore! My uncle has a caravan we can borrow for as long as we like! Felix knows how to drive, and he has a license too, don't you, Felix the fab?! So it's just a matter of time before we decide the place to go and drive away. I'm so excited!"

The others were astonished. This was such a great news!

Aria bounced with enthusiasm at the idea. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, picturing the adventure ahead. She couldn't contain her joy, imagining the thrill of traveling in a caravan with her closest friends.

Lisa smiled thoughtfully, recognizing the practicality of having a caravan. Her mind quickly wandered to the possibilities this mode of travel offered, from the convenience of carrying supplies to the freedom of exploring different places without worrying about accommodation.

Alex let out an enthusiastic cheer at the mention of a caravan. His mind raced with visions of the fun they'd have, sharing jokes and laughter during the journey. He couldn't wait to create memorable moments in this unconventional way of traveling.

Felix beamed with excitement. The thought of embarking on a caravan trip fueled his adventurous spirit. He could already imagine the camaraderie, late-night conversations, and the sheer joy of the open road with his best friends.

"Guys! Tomorrow is Sunday, and my uncle is bringing it tomorrow. But where should we go?" Alex asked, bringing the others jerk out of their sweet dreams.

They all thought carefully. They wanted to go somewhere unique, thrilling, and where plenty of open area is there. Hmm... what place can it be..?

"Ok. I've thought something." Piped Aria

"What is it?" asked the others.

"Umm, sure, I'll tell ya'll but Felix, will definitely kill me."

"Is it that bad?" Alex whispered near her ear.

"Yes. Yes, it is!" Aria hissed.

"Oh come on Aria, tell us. It might be good!" Whined Felix.

"Umm, Silvershade forest." Aria said breathlessly.

Felix and Lisa changed horrified looks. There was no way they were going to the Silvershade forest!

"Ari, you already know the answer to that. We can't go to the Silvershade forest! It's too dangerous!" Felix said these words with softness but effect.

"But Felix, what are the caravan doors for? They will be locked. We'll be safe. And if you're worried about driving, we will drive during the day!" Aria implored.

"Fine, whatever. There will be very weird noises of animals. You hate noises, don't you? How will you sleep?" Lisa reminded her.

"Lisa, you three are with me, so I'll be safe and fall asleep. Even if we don't sleep, we can play games or listen to music to keep our mind off noises. And of course – I can carry cotton for ears!"

Lisa sighed and Felix went into deep thought.

"Lisa, Felix, think of the fun we'll have. Once the sunlight seeps in, we'll go hiking in the forest. Of course, we'll carry first aid and compasses! And then when we get tired, we will return to the caravan well before sunset, lock the doors properly, and sleep like rocks. About food, we'll have a campfire! But we'll make sure that we are safe. How does that sound? Fun!" Alex pleaded.

"Trust me, convincing them is harder than cutting diamonds." Alex whispered to Aria. She giggled and completely agreed.

After a few minutes of discussion, the older ones approached the younger ones.

"So, we are impressed by the wonderful presentation you two gave as if your life depended on it. Fine, we'll leave for the Silvershade forest at 11 am sharp tomorrow. We are going for three days, so pack your clothes accordingly. There are going to be insects, so bring some full-sized clothes. Bring lots of snacks and I'll bring the first aid and compass. Don't forget your toothbrushes and towels. But, first, inform and convince your parents and call me if they don't allow it." Felix declared.

They all discussed the things they would do there it soon got a bit dark. They all bid each other bye and headed for their homes

They informed their parents about their plans and coaxed and cajoled them to let them go. After a lot of pleading, and assuring that Felix and Lisa would be there, Aria and Alex's parents agreed. Lisa and Felix's parents agreed earlier as they knew their children were responsible.

With a lot of enthusiasm, they all packed all the stuff they needed for the next three thrilling days. They followed Felix's advice and packed with keeping everything in mind. Felix arranged for a proper compass and a wholesome first aid box which had everything.

With excitement in their hearts, a million thoughts in their brain, drowsiness in their eyes, and a soft smile plastered on their face, they all let slumber take them 



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⊱ My Instagram - pens_and_palettes.29 


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