10.Tale of obligation

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"You don't marry someone you can live with, you marry the person you cannot live without." - P.S. I LOVE YOU, 2007

Ten wherein, Jihoon and Hyunsuk navigate a complex engagement of their lives. From childhood secrets to joint rulership, their journey unfolds through challenges which reveal the timeless strength of their bond.

Royal Reckoning

In a world where kingdoms were divided by history but united by love, Park Jihoon and Choi Hyunsuk found themselves at the center of a tale that transcended borders. They were heirs to the thrones of the North and South, engaged by the strategic minds of their parents to forge an alliance. Little did the kingdoms know that behind the royal façade lay a love that had blossomed since childhood.

Jihoon, the handsome and skilled prince of the North paced nervously in the grand courtyard of the palace, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Hyunsuk. He couldn't shake off the memories of their secret adventures in the palace gardens and the stolen glances that spoke volumes when words were inadequate.

As the afternoon sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, Jihoon spotted Hyunsuk approaching. The prince of the South was a vision of beauty, the prettiest in his royal attire, a perfect complement to Jihoon's regal presence.

"My love," Jihoon greeted, a mixture of excitement and nervousness evident in his voice.

Hyunsuk smiled, a gesture that spoke of years of shared understanding. "Dear, must we always meet in secret?"

Jihoon sighed, his eyes reflecting the longing that echoed in both their hearts. "Our love was never meant to be a secret, but the constraints of our titles and the expectations of our parents..."

Hyunsuk placed a gentle hand on Jihoon's arm, a silent reassurance. "I know, dear. But one day, we will rule together, and our love will no longer be confined to the shadows."

Jihoon smiled," I hope so, my love."

"I can't believe we've been betrothed since childhood," Hyunsuk sighed, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon. "Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we had a choice in this matter?"

Jihoon turned to face Hyunsuk, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I've often dreamt of a life where our love wasn't bound by treaties and alliances. A life where we could choose our destinies."

Hyunsuk chuckled, the sound melodic and warm. "A life where I could choose you, not because I have to, but because I want to."

Jihoon reached for Hyunsuk's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Our love is our own, darling, no matter the circumstances that brought us together. We can find a way to make our own choices, to shape our own destiny."

As they strolled through the palace gardens, memories of their childhood flooded back. Laughter, shared dreams, and promises made under the ancient oak tree. The engagement, deemed a mere treaty by their parents, felt like a chain binding them, yet their love was the key to unlocking a future they both yearned for.

Jihoon stopped and turned to face Hyunsuk. "I've dreamt of this day, where we can be free to love openly and rule side by side. Our engagement may be a treaty, but our love is genuine."

Hyunsuk nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "I love you, Park Jihoon, and I will stand by your side, no matter the challenges that come our way."

Jihoon pulled Hyunsuk into a tender embrace, their hearts beating in unison. "And I love you, Choi Hyunsuk. Together, we'll rewrite the destiny our parents have written for us."

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