8.Tale of bewitchment

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//tw: mild 5mut at the end

"No, I like you very much. Just as you are." - BRIDGET JONES'S DIARY, 2001

Eight, wherein Jihoon and Hyunsuk are skilled crime investigators with a turbulent yet passionate partnership and they prove extreme personalities meet at the end in their own way.

Opposite Forces

It was another day at the bustling Crime Investigation Unit, where the clatter of keyboards and hushed conversations filled the air. Among the skilled investigators, Park Jihoon and Choi Hyunsuk were notorious for their uncanny ability to solve cases but equally famous for their heated arguments.

Tall and Handsome Jihoon was known for his sharp instincts and methodical approach to solving crimes. On the other hand, the petite and pretty Hyunsuk had an uncanny knack for connecting the dots that others often overlooked. Despite their undeniable talents, the pair couldn't be more different.

As they entered the office that morning, their colleagues exchanged knowing glances. It was evident that another day of bickering and banter was about to unfold.

Jihoon couldn't resist a teasing grin as he eyed Hyunsuk's meticulously organized desk. "Are you sure you're not working for any celebrity organizer on the side, Hyunsuk? I've never seen someone arrange their pens so perfectly."

Hyunsuk rolled his eyes, unfazed by Jihoon's comment. "At least I don't mistake a stapler for a murder weapon, Detective Genius. Remember last week?"

Jihoon scoffed, "It was dark, and the suspect was wearing a ski mask! Anyone could have made that mistake."

Their banter continued throughout the morning, escalating into a full-blown argument during the afternoon briefing. The chief sighed as Jihoon and Hyunsuk debated the best approach to solving the latest case.

"Enough, you two," the chief intervened. "Save the drama for your reality TV show. We've got a case to solve, and I won't have you two ruining another crime scene with your antics."

Jihoon shot Hyunsuk a triumphant smirk, earning an eye roll in return. They were assigned to work together on the case.

As they investigated the crime scene, Jihoon and Hyunsuk continued their verbal sparring. Each theory was met with a counter-argument, and the crime scene became a battleground for their egos.

In the midst of their heated exchange, a breakthrough occurred. Hyunsuk noticed a detail that Jihoon had overlooked, and Jihoon begrudgingly admitted the importance of Hyunsuk's observation.

The moment of camaraderie was short-lived, however, as Jihoon couldn't resist one final jab. "You might be onto something, Hyunsuk. Maybe there's hope for you yet."

Hyunsuk shot him a playful glare, "Don't get too excited, Jihoon. This doesn't mean I'll stop correcting your terrible taste in food."

As they walked away from the crime scene, their colleagues watched in amusement. Despite their constant bickering, there was an undeniable chemistry between Jihoon and Hyunsuk that transcended their differences.

In the unpredictable world of crime and investigation, one thing was for sure – Park Jihoon and Choi Hyunsuk were a force to be reckoned with, both in and out of the field.

The National Crime Branch Meet was a prestigious event that brought together law enforcement agencies from across the country. As Park Jihoon and Choi Hyunsuk entered the grand venue, dressed to the nines in sleek suits, heads turned in their direction. Jihoon, with his tall and commanding presence, exuded confidence, while Hyunsuk's refined and polished appearance turned heads.

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