5: Gerard's idea

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He giggles and I can't help but smile for real. I stick my tongue out and lick his hand, making him jump back and take his hands off me. I laugh while I watch him wipe his hand on his shirt in disgust.

"Aww Gerard, you mad?" I mimic, getting closer and grabbing his cheeks. He laughs a little and swats at my hands.

The bell rings and we both get up lazily, not wanting to return to our classrooms. Friday after recess is the only class we don't share. We both have math but we're on different levels. He is in basic level and I'm in advanced. I hate being the nerd friend, but Gerard did fail last year, so I guess it's best.

We walk in silence to the hallway, and I know neither of us wants to split up. We reach our destination and he faces me, a sad smile on his face. I smile back, trying to cheer him up, and it works for a second.

"See you later, Frankie" he says.
"See you" I reply and we walk in opposite directions.

"Hey Frankie" I hear a voice say to my back, and I happily turn around, expecting Gerard. But when I do, I see no platinum heads in the empty hallway.

I gulp.

"Hi Phillip" I say, trying to be polite.

"Don't you dare say my name again, fag!" He threatens, pushing me by the shoulders.

"Uh... Okay" I quickly say, feeling my throat constrict, and making it hard for me to speak.

"Yo, Frankie" says another voice behind me. I slowly turn around, knowing what I'll find.

My face nearly bumps into Santiago's stomach once I've turned fully around.

I'm surrounded. Shit.

"Shall we begin?" Phillip says.

Santiago responds by punching my stomach. Hard.

Phillip laughs and kicks at the back of my knees, and I end up on the ground.

I hit the floor face first and I can feel my tongue split open when I accidentally bite it. I taste blood.
I try to get up, but a foot on my back pushes me to the ground again.

"Look at this faggot, Tiago" Phillip says, laughing. "He can't even stand up straight!"

Santiago cracks up at the pun and Phillip hushes him.

I turn my head sideways to try and see what they're doing, but I realize it was a mistake.

I turn right just in time to see a foot coming fast at my face. It hits my nose, and I can swear I see stars flying around. The pain is almost too much, and I bite my already damaged tongue to keep in a scream. I think my nose is broken. No, I'm sure it is broken.

"Don't you dare pass out again, Frankie. Takes the fun away" says Phillip, right before a second foot hits my mouth and makes it bleed from many new places. I didn't know mouths could bleed that much until now. And it hurts.

A hand violently grabs my hair and pulls me up easily. My scalp hurts, and when he's done, Santiago makes sure to pull out at least half a hundred hairs.

Tears well up in my eyes, but I don't let them fall. I'm never giving them what they want. By now, I know they're aware of that, but they still take pleasure in beating me up.

Phillip pushes me against the wall and hits my head hard against it. By now, I have no doubt about my nose being broken.

At least Gerard doesn't have to witness this time, I think when fists hit my face and stomach. I don't even know who is punching me anymore, I just tune out.

I begin humming in my head. I hum an old song about a little kid who goes to the city with his father. What a pretty picture. I wish my father had taken me to do that when I was a young boy.

I'm so focused on my humming that I almost don't notice when Phillip grabs my legs and begins to drag me through the hallways. I know where we're headed. It's always the same.

They drag my head down every set of stairs they can, and I resume my humming.

After a long path of head-wrecking dragging, Santiago helps Phillip throw me into a locker and they both laugh as I fall inside on my butt and my knees touching my face. Well that's uncomfortable...

"Bye, Frankie" Phillip says. "It was nice seeing you again"
Santiago just laughs in the background. I swear he has the weirdest laugh I've ever heard. You know how normal people's laughs sound like 'ha ha ha' or slight variations of that? Well obviously not Santiago's. When he laughs, I can perfectly picture a donkey and Donald duck crossbreed. It's quite annoying.

I sigh, tired of the routine as I take my phone and browse through my contacts (which are only about six).

'Hey Mikes, come free me pls'

His reply is almost immediate.

'Again, Frank?? How the fuck do you do that?"

I choose to ignore his question and sit back, knowing that's his way of saying he's coming.

Since I know that he usually takes a long time in coming, I try to find a comfortable position to be in. I try to move my legs down and stand, but my butt won't let me. I'm stuck with this awkward yoga pose.

After a while, I can't feel my butt and my legs feel funny and tickle. I start to hum again and I'm mid-verse when Mikey's voice calls my name from outside. I swear I've never been so happy to hear a human voice in my life.

"Here" I say, announcing my location.

"Where exactly?" He asks.

I sniff around. I smell cookies and a really bad taste cologne, so I decide quickly whose locker it is.
"In Spencer's locker" I tell him.
I hear him open his backpack and search between his stuff. I know what he's looking for.

He finally finds the hair pins. I listen impatiently to his steps and hear him stop directly in front of me. Well technically to my right, given my current yoga pose, but whatever. I hear him pick at the lock, and in less that a minute the light floods my imprisonment.

"Thanks" I say, trying to get up.
Naturally, I can't again and Mikey spends a good two minutes laughing at me. He helps me pull my ass out and I fall to the floor, graceful like a baby giraffe.

I thank him again and watch him leave the room. I stand up and walk to the nearest mirror, asessing the damage. My nose is bent sideways and my eye is purple and swollen. Besides, my whole face is covered in blood like I murdered someone.

I laugh sarcastically.

I'm going to have a hard time cleaning up.


Hi people!!
I hope this isn't getting boring for you haha anyway If this goes how I hope it will, there'll just be about 1-2 chapters more before the plot.
I'm pretty excited about it and I really think you'll like it.
Peace out y'all
-meh >•<
P.s.: don't hate me because of the title haha
I'm sorreh
I had to do it

The World is Ugly (Frerard)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat