79.(CH) no matter how much

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For a few weeks now, Harry had begun to believe him regarding his suspicions of Moody, which Cedric had harbored since he gave him a clue for the second task. 

He knew how much Harry was trying to find out something about the professor…

What he wouldn't have expected was what he hurriedly shared, "...the disappearance of the boomslang skin from Snape's office, for which I was unjustly blamed, makes sense. Hermione used it in… No wonder he drank so much of his canteen. I thought that teaching classes would make someone thirsty or he might be an alcoholic, I have seen that…"

Cedric had stayed at the first part of the information. " Why would the director of the Department of Magical Security put your name in the Goblet?"

Harry grimaced. "He wouldn't be the first at Hogwarts who was or is a Death Eater."

The fact that he mentioned Karkaroff didn't remove his other doubt. "And why would he need to become a professor to do that?"

It lacked logic.

And it sounded like a lot more work.

"Maybe he wanted to make a career change," his boyfriend smiled, the one who always found a joke under any circumstance. "His true vocation."

And that would make Cedric laugh like a fool.

"He's not bad at it, I must admit."

"Instead of working at the Ministry, he should've been a professor."

His father would agree. He didn't like Crouch or Fudge —he respected them because it was the right thing according to their hierarchical positions. 

"Leaving aside that it's never too late… We know the intentions behind your participation in the Tournament…"

"Trying to kill me," Harry agreed twice.

"That's exactly why you shouldn't go."


"I care about you," he murmured, approaching Harry at the desolate end of the hallway where they had headed for a private conversation. "A lot."

Just inches from the wall, he raised a hand to caress Cedric's cheek. "I know. I'll be fine this time. I promise."

Harry moved a thumb under his ear.

Cedric remembered those words long ago. 

«I would give my life to save the magical world, Cedric, but not yours.»

«This time» echoed in his mind. 

Anguish closed his throat and he simply hugged Harry. 



He had to tell Hermione.

She had helped him think about who it might be, and he finally figured it out.

How was it that Harry was the last one to know things?

"I wasn't sure whether to tell you," she said, embarrassed. "Harry told me. Everything . Well, almost. I'm so glad you know now! So we can think about what to do with the not-Moody. I was thinking of talking to Dumbledore or contacting the Ministry directly."

"No way. You'll scare him away."

Hermione sighed. "I thought so. Wow, you two are very similar. Just as stubborn and without a sense of self-preservation."

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