51.(CH) let me surprise you

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He had fond memories of his mother taking care of him when he was little.

But his father was the most caring person Cedric knew.

Every time he got sick, even just the flu, Amos would miss work and come into his room as punctual as clockwork to ask how he was feeling. As if he was wired for it, and the days following the first symptoms were key to anticipating the subsequent development.

Within 72 hours of the news, Cedric knew what his boyfriend was up to. 

Harry's intent glances at him in the Great Hall during meals, meeting two days in a row when in a good week they would see each other in private a maximum of three times, and insisting on accompanying him to his classes could only mean one thing.

“I know you're worried about me, and I'm fine. Really."

Harry frowned for a moment, either because he didn't quite believe it.

Or because he believed it.

"Sorry for being like a hawk on you," he sighed, embarrassed. "It's just… I want to make sure you're okay. Well, as fine as possible."

Cedric's inappropriate smile contrasted with his expression.

"You don't have to apologize," he laughed, thinking that the way Harry showed it through extra attention didn't bother him at all. "In fact, I like that you are all over me."

Evidence enough was that Harry hugged him again.

He did enjoy being cared for, not that he would put it in those words.


"I've told you a lot of things since I've known you," Harry said, leaning against both the wall and Cedric. "Crazy and unbelievable things."

"And illegal," he said, covering his hand with his. "Don't forget."

A laugh almost as soft as his gaze emerged from Harry. 

"And you've always taken it well. Surprisingly well."

If he thought so, it seemed like a compliment.

"Crazy, unbelievable things have happened to you since you've met me. Weird dreams and running into not-me,” he continued, and Cedric wouldn't mention how close to losing his sanity he had been back then. "This is different. Worse. It's hard… to think that you can be truly okay."

Harry turned to get a better look at him, and Cedrc admitted it, "I don't know how I feel about it."

"That's alright, Ced," he said softly, squeezing his hand. "I'm here if you ever want to talk about it."


What Cedric didn't like was his own way of worrying. 

Because he did too.

It would be very naive of him to believe that he was the only one affected.

The weekend's news hadn't gotten into his head enough to forget that this had been the reason for Harry's strange mood at Hogsmeade. That Harry had heard one of the weirdest stories involving him in some improbable, magical way, and he hadn't had time to process it when another bomb dropped. 

Cedric hated not knowing how to make it all better.

How to make no one take responsibility for something that wasn't their fault.

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