4.(HC) are you too?

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It was an ordinary morning when he went downstairs alone.

Ron hadn't woken him.

He wasn't sure he'd make it to breakfast, but he could make himself some tea.

"Happy birthday!" someone jumped out in front of him, startling Harry so much that he almost fell backwards.

He managed to stay on his feet just as the twins appeared.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY," they sang in a synchronized chorus, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"I almost ruined the surprise this morning. That's why I got up early." Harry froze, surprised that he had forgotten what day it was. "Come here," Ron continued at the kitchen door.

Before he was able to pass through the living room, he was intercepted by Mrs. Weasley, who squeezed his cheeks, wishing him a happy birthday. Then she stepped to the side, and Harry found a large cake on the table, and Ginny and Hermione rose to give him a hug.

Somehow he held back the tears that threatened to cloud his vision.

He didn't want to miss any detail of that moment.


Never had he ever celebrated a birthday like this.

With homemade cake, everyone gathered and sang to him. Mr. Weasley had even left a short message on an old muggle tape recorder before leaving for work, which also said:

I hope this device works, Harry. How does it work without magic?

And made everyone laugh.

It was too much for Harry.

Receiving that kind of attention felt strange, like he didn't deserve it. Because the Weasleys weren't his family, were they? But technically, he didn't have one. They loved him, it was so obvious he couldn't deny it. And Harry did too, so maybe they were, after all.

In an unconventional way, of course.

A letter from Hagrid had arrived at the end of breakfast, and Harry remembered how that great, big man had warmed his heart when he came looking for him with a squashed cake and the task of taking Harry to school for his first year. Since then, Hagrid never forgot his birthday. Even if there were years when Harry couldn't get the mail, he knew he must have sent something.

With a package dangling from its leg, an owl he had never seen before arrived. It must be from Sirius. Soft fur covered the creature, who looked in good health, considering that he had traveled from who knew where with that weight. Harry read the letter and was pleased that the owl was for Ron. I'm sorry I left him without a pet. Well, it was a filthy lying rat and a bunch of other nonsense that I can't write about here, but your friend must have loved him for a long time. I hope he likes his new pet. I suggest Blacky as a name. Just kidding, tell me later what he called him. And I hope you like your gift and put it to good use, ha.

Harry passed the parchment to Ron and noticed the exact moment his face lit up. Then he looked at the owl with different eyes, and the truth was that Harry didn't need anything for his birthday.

It was already the best of all.

"Blacky, I like it," he said as he read thoughtfully, "but I think I'll choose another one for him."

"One less suspicious," Harry chuckled.

Ron pointed to the present, encouraging him to open it.

"Did he give you a book?" he asked, flipping through the empty pages as much as Harry.

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