ANHS: Class S: Part 1

Start from the beginning

I didn't expect him to say that, I thought he would get angry at my way of thinking or even hate me.

- "Aren't you upset, Yousuke?" I decided to ask him.

- "Yes, I'm not going to deny that it makes me a little uncomfortable. But I don't think I can judge anyone without knowing all the circumstances," he said firmly.

"It seems I was wrong in my assessment of Yousuke."

- "I hope you can talk to me about it someday Kiyotaka-kun," Yousuke said with a smile.

I simply nodded without saying anything else.

- "The break is over, you can return to your seats", we heard the voice of the archangel urging us to return.

I looked at Yousuke for a moment and together we returned to our respective seats.

3rd Person Pov:

With the students back in their seats, the archangel spoke again.

- Michael: For the next reaction, we will do something interesting

Many wondered what he meant by that, so they waited for him to continue.

- Michael: Look on the screen

Everyone was surprised by what they saw on the screen

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Everyone was surprised by what they saw on the screen. The different titles raised more than one question in their minds.

- Horikita: 'That eroge thing again?'

- Ryuuen: 'Monster like a zombie?, kukuku. It will surely be a killing machine'

- Arisu: 'S Class?, something tells me it will be interesting'

- Ike: Man, I want to see the second part of the eroge

- Miyamoto: Me too

- Sotomura: I can't decide whether to watch the zombies or the eroge!

Thus several people had different opinions.

- Michael: Well, I need a volunteer to spin the wheel.

After saying that, several students raised their hands.

- Shibata: ME!

- Hondou: No, I want to!

- Ishizaki: Don't worry Ryuuen-san, you can leave everything in my hands!

With too many people wanting to participate, the archangel had no choice but to choose one himself.

- Michael: You *points to someone* Can you come here?

He pointed to a person, who did not expect to be chosen.

- Chabashira: Me? Wouldn't it be better to choose a student?

- Michael: No. Now come and spin the wheel.

Heeding the words, Chabashira-sensei approached the stage.

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