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At first when looking into the cave it was so dark Leo couldn't see the stranger inside, something he thought was odd as the man hadn't gone in long before. The caves so dark I can't even see in a foot Jack said as he squinted his eyes trying to peer in deeper. Don't just stand there come in, come in, came the voice of the stranger from the impenetrable blackness of the cave. Leo and Jack looked at one another and without a word agreed that this was a really bad idea. But sometimes even bad ideas have to be done so together the two stepped through the threshold.

The worry and caution plaguing the two friends had completely vanished when they stepped into the cave. First it was confusion that struck them as when they crossed the threshold both Leo and Jack felt a very small, almost unnoticeable, amount of resistance. Then after entering the cave confusion turned to shock and awe at the interior. The walls, ceiling, and floor of the cave were rock and it was just that a cave. But the cavern itself was fully lit, not dark at all. Then filling up the space was a fire pit in the center of the floor. Surrounding the fire pit was two of the comfiest arm chairs that Leo had ever seen and a couch that looked easier to fall asleep on than any bed he ever had. Just back past the fire pit, a little deeper into the cave, was a finely polished wooden desk with an ornately carved wooden chair and on the desk a gold encrusted lamp.

Those weren't the only things decorating the cave. To the left of the desk next to the wall of the cave was a copper bathing tub with a wooden towel rack and a miniature fire pit for heating the bath water next to it. Then over on the opposite wall sat a bed, even comfier than the couch with a soft pillow and warm blanket on top. At the foot of the bed was a fine leather trunk, closed, hiding the contents from Leo's sight.

What the stranger called his camp looked more like the home of a Dwarf Mastersmith to Leo, the only thing missing being the forge. For those of you who are unaccustomed to the traditions and facts of the world of Dwarfs I shall explain what a Mastersmith is. As for those of you who do know please bear with me a moment. Now the Dwarf nation has a hierarchy of power. At the bottom you have the Chieftain Council that oversees the wellbeing of the five mountains. The five mountains being similar to human settlements or villages. The Chieftain Council then answers to the Mastersmith. The Mastersmith is a Dwarf who has demonstrated great leadership and great ability as a blacksmith. The Mastersmith is also the only leadership position where the Dwarf is chosen by the people.

The Mastersmith is not however the highest ranking leader in Steinn. No that position belongs to the Dwarven King who is given the throne by birthright. The Mastersmith and Chieftain Council both answer to the king for he has final word of all things. Despite this being how things have been for to many years then can be counted, as of late the dwarfs of Steinn have believed they shouldn't have a king anymore and only a Mastersmith to lead them. That however is a matter better left for later, instead let's get back to where we were before the knowing readers begin to get upset.

Please do make yourselves comfortable while I put on a pot of tea said the stranger. Leo then watched as he pulled a fancy red tea kettle out, placing it on the fire. I didn't see him put water in the kettle Leo thought to himself. Things were starting to get weird and Jack having also noticed spoke up. Alright mister Jack started nervously, somethings go on around here that's more than just some man camping in a cave. Just outside this cave was dark enough that you couldn't even see your own hand outstretched in front of you, then we don't take but a step inside and it looks like a kings bedchamber Jack continued. And I saw that you never put water in your tea kettle but it's already starting to steam Leo added even though he really didn't need to.

Jack continued to point out everything strange. Like the fact that the stranger had enough things to be impossible for one man to carry when traveling. He pointed out that the stranger only had one bag or trunk at the end of his bed that only built onto the fact that the amount of things the stranger had with him was odd. The stranger remained perfectly calm during all of this. Then he held up a hand stopping Jack mid sentence and said Allow me to explain.

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