Kidnapped (ish)

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F/A = Favorite Animal

The aftermath of Option one.


That was all you had to say.


As you woke up from probably being hit with a tranq dart, your neck hurt like crazy, it felt like you were getting your blood drawn from your lymph nodes.
You reached a hand up to hold the side of your neck, but you quickly realize that you couldn't feel your hands! Or your feet! You couldn't move at all, you were tied down to a chair!

As you looked at your surroundings, you were in a dark room illuminated by a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. Were you kidnapped? What time is it? You were hungry and cold, all you wanted to do was crash in your bed and curl up in fuzzy blankets, and eat more ramen.

The sound of a door creaking open snapped you from your longing. A (not) tall, mutant turtle stepped in. He was wearing a purple durag with...eyebrows...?

Get it I guess.

The turtle resembled a soft shell, well, you couldn't tell because of the purple armored shell. You then slapped yourself internally because of course the turtle would armor on its shell if it was soft. The turtle also had weird jagged purple rectangles on each shoulder and leg.

What was eerie about it was that the turtle oddly resembled Leo.

"Donnie, are you sure this is necessary?" A familiar voice asked.
Speak of the devil.

"It is absolutely necessary!" Donnie shouted at Leo. "You brought a human in here unannounced! For all we know they could be a spy!" Donnie narrowed his eyes as he leaned in close to your face, his snout scrunching up as well.

Leo poked his head out from behind his brother. "Y/N I am so sorry that my bitchass brother kidnapped you. Again it was him and not me." Leo apologized over and over again, all while Donnie kept staring at you.

"That's cute." You said as you watched Donnie snout scrunch, he gasped and stumbled back.
"See? They called me cute! A clear sign that they think we're weaker than them!" Donnie pointed his finger frantically at you. 

You tilted your head. "No, I called the snout thing cute. Believe me, I'm terrified right now. I'm just not showing it so you don't get that weird sadistic satisfaction of seeing me in fear." You explained with a smile. It was true, you were about to beg the turtles to let you go back to your normal (ish) life.

Leo only stared at you, the butterflies in his stomach starting to fly again. You were just so amazing! If anything you're just like him, but the human version!

"Well I don't care if you're afraid of me or not-"

"Yes you do." You replied. "Fear is power to you. You'd rather have everybody be afraid of you than everybody love you because if everybody loved you then they'd easily be able to pry into your mind and pick out all your insecurities. But if everybody was afraid of you, they'd know damn well not to point out your flaws." You leaned forward, narrowing your eyes at him.

"Isn't that right, Donatello?"

Donnie stared at you in utter shock, Leo blinked, surprised that you figured out his
government name. You only smirked, god you loved doing that trick. It wasn't a trick, really. It was context clues, that and you had a neat ability of guessing people's names. You'd take a look at them and their personality. And then guess spot on, scaring the shit out of the other person.

"Y-you are not funny, I am funny." Donnie stuttered after a long beat of silence, poking your chest.

"Look at that, I made you stutter. All that ego you built up to protect you must've been torn down, huh?" You teased, smiling.

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