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"You look absolutely stunning!" April gushed, holding your hand and admiring your dress, you looked over and saw your younger sister trying on your headdress. Your heart did flips, until she turned around and revealed to be your best friend, Brooke.

You sighed, it was silly to think that your sister was still alive.

All because of him.

Your fist clenched at the thought of seeing his face. But you had to do it, every day for the rest of your fucking life.
You were getting married to him. That blue bandana wearing murderer.

You heard the sound of a camera being set up, you took your time, then, as the camera flashed. You gave that damn piece of technology the most hated look you ever gave. You made sure that everyone knew how much that you didn't want to be married. You could've been anywhere in the world, Italy, Peru, Brazil, but no, you're forced to get married to the person that caused you misery.

Hamato Leonardo.


Oh! Reader! You're wondering how this began? How you ended up getting married to Leo? How he caused your life to be miserable and painful?

Well, it started whenever you were walking back home from school when a loud thud could be heard from the dumpster in the alleyway. You froze and looked at it, hearing a groaning sound, you thought it was a stray cat and started to approach it, happy to take in the company of an animal.

You got to the dumpster and peered over it. Only to discover that it was not a cat, nor a dog. It was in fact a mutant turtle staring right back at you. You shrieked and jumped back at least five feet, dropping your school books in the process.

"Wait!" A masculine voice called out from the dumpster. A long beat of silence passed, you were contemplating whether or not to pick up your stuff and run like hell. But you stayed, the poor mutant sounded like it was in pain.

Slowly, you approached the dumpster once again and peeked back over it. The mutant was still looking back at you, its eyes were wide and filled with curiosity and slight fear that was hidden behind a cocky smirk.

"What're you so scared about?" The mutant mused, its grin only getting wider. You weren't sure what its pronouns were, so you kept referring to the mutant as "it".

"I...I dunno." You said after a moment. "I've never seen a mutant, I only saw them on the news." You admitted, then smiled wryly. "Are you alright?" You asked the turtle. It scoffed in reply. "Yea! Totally! Don't worry about me!" It exclaimed, you then watched it struggle for a good minute. You smiled a bit and let out a laugh through your nose. "Are you sure?" You asked again, this time with more amusement.

"I'm fine!" The mutant exclaimed in a much more strained voice. Then it stilled, looking at you with a slight frown. "Mind giving me a
hand, amor?" It said, smirking once more. What was with this turtle and smirking?

You rolled your eyes a bit at the flirting, the turtle wasn't really an expert at it. And neither were you, you haven't dated anyone, except for the "partners" you had in second grade. You smiled a bit at the memory, that was then when the turtle's voice brought you from your thoughts.

"Ah, Spanish always works on people." It said looking at you with a dark and twisted look. You couldn't help but shudder.

"W-wait, what? No, the fuck?!" Is what you thought you were saying, but in reality, it was something completely different.

"I guess it does." You whispered, but it was loud enough for the mutant to hear, for he smiled at you again. You then reached in and grabbed the turtle's hand, stopping to admire the shape and size. It looked like every person's hands, except with lime colored skin. Its palmar flexion creases looked normal and just like everybody else's.

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