Chapter 2 - The Mistake

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"Oh, um, hi," he stammers, blushing slightly, making the adults chuckle. "Well, your dad gave my dad, uh, a new heart and I'm here just, just... Just watching him recover." Reese giggles at his reaction, looking at the shy boy as he turns redder and redder. Her parents shake their heads fondly at the sight, as does Mr and Mrs Lambert. And that's how their friendship begins.




Within weeks they become inseparable, almost attached at the hips at school. The two spend a lot of time together, hanging out whenever they can. It becomes increasingly obvious to the two sets of parents that the pair would end up together when they are grown up. They all know about this and become close friends as their children spend more and more time together.

After turning 16, Reese gets much more popular, becoming a star pole vaulter and setting the school's new record at the height of 4.72m. She has gotten incredibly beautiful and popular with the boys, which is not surprising at all given her stunning good looks. But the girl still remains the same humble person, despite all the attention she is getting.

Jared, meanwhile, is a different case. He isn't ugly or anything. As a matter of fact, his face is quite cute. But he is very scrawny and sucks at sports, unlike his best friend, always failing in gym class despite working hard to get better. Reese would often tell him that it's okay and he can't be good at everything, making him feel much better about himself afterwards.

It takes two more years before they finally get together, with her confronting him about their feelings for each other in the cafeteria. "I'm in love with you, and I know you love me too. So let's stop skirting around and just start going out, okay?" the beautiful teenager asks him, tilting up his chin before leaning down to kiss him gently on the forehead in front of everyone. Aside from his parents, she is the person he loves most in the world.

"I love you too, Reese," he tells her shyly, giving an abashed smile that lights up her face. "I always have. I'm sorry it took me so long to say this."

The pair of 18 years olds go everywhere together. Nothing makes them happier than each other's constant presence. Everytime Jared gives her his adorable smile, the beautiful jock feels her heart flutter with love. He is the sweetest, cutest boyfriend a girl could ask for. Reese just wants to be with him all the time, especially to have him cheering her on at competitions and kissing her when she wins the gold medal, which is every single time.

Slowly, though, things begin to head in another direction. Guys much hotter than her boyfriend begin flirting with her. Perhaps they can pick up on the sexual frustratioin, since they start making their moves when she's most frustrated. It starts with surreptitious glances and catcalls. Then they begin to make lewd comments about her shapely figure, complimenting her supple breasts and round, firm ass.

One in particular is very aggressive. His name is Roger and he is a star baseball player. The muscular teen often approaches her in his tight T-shirt, showing off his ripped frame with a roguish smile plastered across his very handsome face. That arrogant jerk would pompously tell her things like "Wanna feel the snake in my trousers?" or "I'm sure what I'm packing is bigger than your wimpy boyfriend's"

At first she dismisses him completely. His attitude is very rude and his words are often crass and unbecoming. The way he talks about her tits as if she is just a piece of meat is offensive, to say the least. Not to mention how Roger always leers at her muscular asscheeks as she warms up before pole vaulting, and points at the girl's derriere before laughing with his buddies.

But Reese couldn't stop herself from wondering what it would be like and if it would be as big as he often claims it is. Her boyfriend has managed to fuck her well enough with his four inches, yet the girl still couldn't help being curious. Maybe just a peek at this alleged monster that made half the girls on the cheerleading squad scream his name before? Just looking at it wouldn't really be cheating, she tells herself.

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