I turned different angles- keeping my hands there, and so far, no bump was visible.

But there was still something forming there.. inside my belly. It was life.

Would it be a girl, or a boy? Would they look like me.. or like Ross? What would they look like? As I started imagining Ross's features in a tiny little boy.. the door opened.

I look to see Ross standing there in his expensive turtleneck and sweatpants, staring at me, and my hands drop to my sides.

"Any progress?" he questiones, slowly walking over to me.

"A little." I look up at him, and he smiles, nodding.

He stands behind me, as I stare at myself in the mirror.

"What are you thinking of?" he quietly questions.

"You." I reply, choosing to be honest.

His hands wrap around my waist, as he looks down at me "Always a privilege."

I smile lightly, looking down.

"My mom is on her way." he speaks up.

My eyebrows raise, as I turn slightly to look up at him "What?"

"I told her about your pregnancy and she got so excited she wanted to come see us. Mer is bringing the kids" he explained.

"Oh my god" I cover my mouth with my hands "It'll be so good to see them."

"They were really happy" he smiled, nodding.

I stared at his beautiful reflection, as I felt the atmosphere between us shift.

With a heavy heart, I spoke "How long until.."

"A week" he replied.

I felt a pang in my chest "So.. that's it?" I murmured.

When he nodded, I closed my eyes, leaving out a heavy sigh.

I felt his chest behind my back, and leaned on him as his hands wrapped around my waist, then my belly.

"You'll win." I looked up at him "Right?"

"For you." his words soft, as he leaned in to kiss me.

I closed my eyes, as his lips pressed on mine, and opened them again, once we pulled apart slightly.

"Does your mom know about the fight?"

"No" he murmured "And she won't find out"

And there was the guilt.


My next few days had to be the most difficult, anxiety- driven, yet the most amazing days of my life.

On one hand, I was living with Ross. I got to see him every day, and we went to and from work together. He wouldn't leave my side.. and I sort of loved it.

He'd wake me up in the morning with kisses, and we'd rush out of the door with only bites of food of what his chef had prepared.

I'd usually end up throwing that up anyway, so it was rough, but he was always there to hold my hand every time I felt bad.

One of the days we had to stop in the middle of the road as the feeling was getting unbearable in the car, and we were already late for work.

They called from work asking where we were, and Ross yelled at them. I really shouldn't have found it attractive but I did.. especially as he flipped the switch and was so sweet the second he put the phone down.

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