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TRIGGER WARNING: Physical abuse is depicted in this chapter so if this is something you're not comfortable reading please feel free to skip this chapter. Yes you'll miss out on the chapter, but your mental health is more important babes. Stay safe <3

Shutting the door I put all the bags onto one arm before trekking up the slick steps, carefully taking each step with ease to not bust my ass.

I slip my keys from my jacket, groaning internally at the massive set I have to unlock. But precautions were precautions, eight to ten two way locks made sure the girls were kept inside at all times.

After a minute I finally slide my key from the last lock and push open the large door. Shaking the snow off of myself before walking down the corridor into the kitchen. "Madelyn!" I called out before I set the bags onto the counter before turning toward the fridge before stopping in my tracks.

Sitting neatly beside the fridge was two packages of maple candy, they looked brand new besides the small opening one one that was sprawled open.

I couldn't help but feel furious, where the hell did she get these from? Did someone bring them? Did she leave? I doubt she would but at this point anything is possible k because they didn't pop up out of thin fucking air.

I grab a bag and walk around calming out her name, looking everywhere for her until I get to her room where I hear faint noise. Busting open the door I step inside as a startled Madelyn blinks up at me while a pencil trembles in her hand.

"What the fuck is this?!" I throw the candy down at her, smacking her in the chest causing some of the candies spill onto the floor. She holds the bag to her chest while looking down at it, not saying a word until she looked up slowly, blinking her angelic eyes before speaking.

"The basement." Her expression was cold and emotionless as she stared up at me. My demeanor did a 180° at her words, anger building more and more by the minute, but I was also scared.

Scared by the fact she knew, I know she did. There's no way she wasn't nosey enough to at least peek inside the room. But once she saw inside there what would she think? How would she react? By her demeanor it seemed like she already hated my guts. The disgusted look in her eyes as she kept looking up at me, but she was never meant to find that, she was never meant to even go down there, ever.

"Why did you go down there." I try to hide my anger but it can't help but just at the seams as my face turns red and my hands start to shake. I couldn't control my emotions as they started swell.

"I was doing your laundry, like Im supposed to." Her attitude was eminent as she rolled her eyes after the statement. "You have no right down there-"

"Why's there a bed Malcolm?" The question silenced me instantly, I was waiting for it more than I cared to realize. My throat grew hot and dry as I barely managed to get the words out.

"I jus- it's, Madelyn you won't underst-."

She lets out a stifled laugh, standing to her feet and bringing her body in proximity with mine. Her head held high as she stood before me confidently, the dominance she showed just pissed me off further.

"What won't I understand!? The camera? The multitude of sex toys? How about the chains you have in each corner!?" Her chest heaves as her eyebrows furrow together while she balls her fists. I could feel her troubles radiating off of her.

The mix of the two in this situation troubled me, I controlled myself in the kitchen that one day, and it still resulted in a completely destroyed place. I try for her but this has pushed me to the edge and I have no idea why, yes I wanted to keep the basement a secret from her but the way she found it infuriates me. Knowing the thoughts she has in her head about me right now repulse me, I know she saw me as freak, a monster.

"Madelyn you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about! Just shut the fuck up!" This lit a fire inside her eyes as I saw every bit of control she had be tossed to the side, lunging at me as she slapped and scratched at my chest.

With her nails she managed to snag a couple holes into the t-shirt I wore, but before she could do more damage I moved my arms to between us and grabbed her wrists, immobilizing her temporarily.

She started to lift her legs to try and kick me in the groin, finally popping the cap off the bottle of range I had shelved inside me. Letting one of her wrists go to quickly bring my hand back, swiftly swinging to forward to strike her face, landing in the middle of her cheek.

As soon as I did it regret washed over me like a flood, feeling guilt singe into my brain as my hand started to sting. She stood there quiet, still. Blinking repeatedly as tears fell from her delicate eyes, my hand still tightly grasping her wrist.

"I-I didn't mean to do that Madelyn, I'm sorry." Without thinking I let go of her wrist and pull her close to me, slinking my arms around her frail figure. She didn't reciprocate the actions as she stood still in my arms, lightly shaking as I felt her tears dampen my shirt.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." I squeezed her tightly before bringing my left hand to lightly caress her hair. Feeling her slowly lean into my body the more I rubbed, the comfort of her so close helped dissipate the anger.

"Madelyn baby, Im so sorry." Apologizing felt right, even if it was foreign to me. I never meant to hurt her, but I've tried so much I feel as if I can't do it much longer. Like the floodgate are bound to burst open soon and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

"I love you." The words rolled off my tongue like butter, now they were foreign to me. I cant tell you the last time I've said I love you to someone. But if it was anyone I'd want it to be her.

Always her.


This chapter was dark lol sorry about that, but don't forget Malcolm literally works for the cartel so ofc he's a pos whenever he's confronted or his dominance is challenged

Bless Your Little Heart Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon