Chapter 2

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Freya Dean

I open my eyes, noticing that I am lying in a cave, in human form, and completely healed with only scars to show what I have been through. I looked around, noticing a packhouse just outside the cave.

'Shit. Are we in pack territory right now? How did we get here?'

'I think it's abandoned, F. I don't smell anybody near.' I nod, agreeing with my wolf that I don't smell or hear anybody around. I open my backpack and look at the map, trying to figure out where we are. From the looks of it, we're in the NightStalker territory, on the other side of the country from the Seltrine pack. I've heard of this territory, it wasn't on the map of American territories in Damon's office either.

'At least we don't have to worry about anyone finding us. I think we could use this place to our advantage, don't you A?'

'Yes, we need to gather food and you need to read that book.' I sigh as she mentions the book, I don't want to deal with my 'destiny' right now - I need to make sure this place isn't a trap.

Hours have passed, and I've scoured the sizable territory and searched the packhouse to find nothing. This place is a ghost town, No leftover scents from the previous occupants, or even tracks showing that they left. I'm relieved to not have come across anybody, I don't feel like fighting on my first true day of freedom. I can call this place home. Maybe others are out there with the rogue title because of the same reasons I do, if I find them they can join me and never have to worry about abuse again.

I walk into the front of the packhouse, amazed that somebody would leave this gorgeous place behind. The black-bricked mini-castle has 3 stories, the driveway has the same bricks as the castle laid out into a circle drive, with a fountain still flowing in the middle. The inside of the home is painted black with red accents and decorations throughout the home. The floors are of dark mahogany wood, laid out to shape triangles, and candle sconces hung low from the high ceilings, looking similar to the modern chandelier. Everything just needed a good wipe-down to get rid of the neglect. It has a very gothic feel to it, but I don't mind. I sit down on the huge leather sectional, pulling my phone out to text my brother.

Hi, I'm safe and I found a place to call home. I miss you.

River: I'm glad you're safe. Where are you, Freya?

I will tell you as soon as I know that I'll be staying permanently, until then I don't want to get either of our hopes up. I love you, brother.

River: Stay on alert, and keep in touch. I love you too.

There are stacks of books and other sentiments that have been left behind, I really would like to know the history of this place and why the Alpha left with his people. Deciding to explore a bit, I come across a ballroom, kitchen, a huge dining room, about 20 bedrooms, an office, and a library. I go to the Alpha office, scouring through the paperwork that was left behind only to find worn-out papers that are no longer legible. I head to the library to see if I can find any information. Sitting in a crimson-red lounge chair, I dust off a book about the pack's history and begin reading. Legend says that Helios, the sun god, helped his sister, Selene, create the werewolf race. They had disagreements, which turned into a rivalry between the two. Helios had helped in founding NightStalker in an attempt to beat his sister, but that's where the book ends, the pages stuck together from water damage or age. Sighing, I pulled my phone out and called Jackson in hopes of getting more information than the passage gave out.

"Freya, are you alright?" Jackson's voice laced with worry.

"I'm fine, Jackson. I have some questions about the place I ended up, but you can't tell my brother where I'm at yet."

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