I lay her against her pillows, sitting next to her. Criss crossed. She wraps her arms around herself in my hoodie, this makes me feel a little better. The nightmares however make me sick to my stomach. I'm in them? Do I hurt her? I hope not.

"What am I doing in these nightmares, baby?" She shakes her head instantly, squeezing her eyes shut just remembering it. Jesus Christ this is horrible. "Y-You always hurt me. Once, we got into a fight and you ended up pushing me to the ground. Your foot was digging into my back until I looked back and-"

She pauses, inhaling theatricality. "And it was Damian, and he ended up whipping me. But I woke up before it got worse. You were in front of me then, you apologized. I asked why, you ended up shooting me. The last one, I was the one with the gun and I shot you." Hearing this horrible story is making my stomach turn.

Is this from me? She knows I'm in a gang, she seen me hold the gun. I feel like I'm going to vomit. She's having nightmares because of me too. It's my fault, I shouldn't have told her anything. I could've spared her these nightmares and trama. All those scars on her body. The light scar on her cheek, the deep scar on her thigh, the little scratch scars on her back and neck.

It's all my fault. I feel horrible, she's in the state because of me. "Oh Alana, I'm such a shitty person. I've put you through all this." I cry, throwing myself into her. Hugging her tight. She squirms her arms out, wrapping them around my neck. She plays with braids as I cry, my heart in pieces. The girl I love is so hurt and traumatized. And now I can't do anything else about it.

I get a wiff of her scent, calming instantly. I rest my head on her shoulder, fidgeting with her hair. My fingertips caressing her ends. "I'm so sorry, Alana." She hums, her fingernails dragging through each row on my scalp. "I'm sorry I put you through all this, you didn't deserve it." She shakes her head, resting it against the wall.

"It was worth it." I sit up, looking her deep in those pretty green eyes of hers. "Worth it?" She nods, closing her eyes. "How?" Looking back at me, her eyes are filled with delight. Love, how can she still love me after everything I've put her through? "Because I get to be with you."
My heart shatters, she'd call it worth it to get beaten and cry forever about it just for me?

"Alana, you can't be serious. You can find someone else just as good as me who won't put you through hell, I promise." She shakes her head, her smile grows. A part of me is really happy to see that. The other part is burning for me to leave her, let her heal and let her find someone else. "No, Tom. I can't. I don't want 'someone else', I want you. And that's it."

I nibble the inside of my cheek, is she crazy about me like I am about her? "Why me?" I didn't think I'd be asking her this, but I really must know. She scoffs at me like I'm stupid, I knew I shouldn't have asked.

"Why? Tom aren't you aware how well you treat me? You're the best I've ever had in my life. You really grew on me, you used to be that normal classmate but you've really earned your place. And you think I'm just going to let you go? You're dumb if you think that. I would not give you up, not ever."

I can't help but tear up at her words, hugging her again. I sob into her neck, kissing it and squeezing her. I hug her like I don't ever want to let her go. Because I don't. She pets my head like I'm a dog, but I like it. It feels nice, her soft hand. She kisses my forehead, god I love her so much. Ever since I met her, she's always been my crush. I knew I'd get her sometime.

𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚 𝑩𝒐𝒚 - 𝑻𝒐𝒎 𝑲𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒛Where stories live. Discover now