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As the crew finally returns to the orphanage Jason storms out of the van, past Kyrie and into his spare room, shutting the door with a loud bang.
"What happened", Kyrie asks worriedly.
"We picked up a real drama queen is what happened", Trish says as she nudges Nero's side. Kyrie looks over at Nero.
"Is he okay?"
"He'll be fine", Nero reassures her.
"He just needs some time to digest all of this."
Trish and Lady share a confused look. "Digest what? What were you guys talking about on the van?"
"I'm afraid that's none of your business."
"But it is my business", Trish suddenly yells.

"You and Jason have done nothing but keep secrets from us about this whole operation! I want to know what's going on before I die for a stupid cause", She continues to yell.

Nero's expression turns angry.
"He told me everything because he trusts me. I'm not going to break his trust."
"So you'd rather kill us?"
"I never said that-"
"Then tell us the truth!" Trish's face his red from anger, he hands balled up into fists. She can't take this anymore.
With Dante gone she and Lady had to run the shop. Not only is Nero messing things up by communicating but his feelings are getting in the way of their mission.

"I'm done talking about this." Nero throws his blue leather jacket on one of the chairs in the garage and stomps inside the house. "Nero!" Kyrie follows after him. "Please, Kyrie", He stops her.
"I need some time to think." Kyrie backs off and watches as her boyfriend vanishes into the shadows of the house. He's distracted, she can tell.

Later that evening Nero climbs onto the roof to escape all the questions and theories against him. Everything is a mess and it's all because of him, because he had empathy with a stranger.

"Thought I'd find you up here." Nero looks up in shock. "Jason." The man smiles slightly and sits down next to Nero. "Everyone is looking for us", Jason says as he stares up at the night sky, his face almost sparkling in the moonlight. "It's all my fault", Nero sighs as he covers his face with his hands. "Everyone thinks you'll betray us." Jason shrugs.
"I don't blame them." Nero raises an eyebrow.
"It would be the perfect motive." He chuckles.
"Don't worry. Lapis is dead to me."

A slight smile hushes over Nero's lips.

He's over Lapis.

"But where do you fit into all this mess", Jason suddenly asks. "Me?" Jason nods. "You said it's all your fault. Why exactly?" Nero sighs. "Well, I picked up an unconscious stranger from the street whose ex boyfriend wants to destroy the world."
"Sounds fair." Both chuckle. "But I am grateful for everything you've done for me." Nero looks over at Jason. The stubborn man he met is now warmed up to him.

"Don't blame yourself for giving someone a second chance." Nero smiles at Jason's words.
"Sorry, I just think I really messed things up with the crew."
"Then go apologize."
"But that would mean-" Jason looks over at Nero, knowing the possible consequences of this apology. "I'm your client, remember? They can't get rid of me that easily", Jason chuckles as he gets up onto his feet. "You just need to figure out how to balance all this. I trust you'll do the right thing." Jason shoots one last smile at Nero before leaving the roof.

Nero's heart is about to burst out of his chest.
"I need to figure out my feelings for you", He whispers to himself.

Jason walks back to his room and passes by the children and Kyrie. "Oh, everyone! Say goodnight to Jason!" A "goodnight" erupts from the group of children as Kyrie grins widely. "Night, kids", Is all Jason says. Kyrie ushers the kids off to bed and jogs after Jason.

"So, how's Nero", She asks. "He's having a rough time. Maybe you can cheer him up."
"Rough time, huh?" Kyrie smiles as she looks up at Jason. "You know, Nero's been happier ever since you arrived." Jason stops in his tracks.
"It's almost as if he likes you." Jason shoots a glare at Kyrie. "You should go look after your boyfriend or do you want to continue jumping to conclusions?" Kyrie stays silent. "Thought so."

Jason vanishes into his spare room while Kyrie goes on the roof to talk to Nero.
"Nero?" He looks up at her. "Kyrie, what are you doing here?" She smiles. "I just wanted to see how you're doing. Jason said you're going through a lot right now." Nero's eyes light up.
"I'm fine, really", He lies. "Nero, I've known you since we were children. Don't lie to me."
He sighs at his girlfriend's scolding. "I just don't know what to do. Trish is mad at me but we can't loose this job." Kyrie hums. "I get it. You want everyone to be happy but it's not going well."

She sits down next to him and lays her hand on his thigh. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. You always do. You managed to save me, remember?" Nero looks down at her hand. "I'm not sure I'm good at just figuring it out."
He gets up onto his feet. "I should rest."
"Are you sure? I could cheer you up with a good time." Nero knows her intensions as she smiles at him seductively. "I'm not sure I'm in the mood, Kyrie."
"I could get you in the mood."
She gets up and presses her body against his.
"It's been a while, you know."
Nero looks down at her, uncomfortable by her attempt for intimacy. "I told you, I don't want to." Kyrie rolls her eyes. "Fine." She stomps past him and back into the house, he follows shortly after.

Angry by her boyfriend's rejection Kyrie stomps through the house, stopping in front of the spare room. She balls her fist and slams it against the wooden door multiple times.

Suddenly the door opens revealing a shirtless man with wet hair. Water droplets run down his body and into the towel around his neck. Kyrie's cheeks start to flush. "Can I help you", Jason grumbles. "Well", Kyrie stutters as her eyes can barely leave Jason's perfect body.
He is slim and but fit looking, with abs poking through his skin. "Talk or leave", He says coldly.
"Do you ever have needs", Kyrie starts, still starstruck by the beauty in front of her.
"I don't need this crap right now." Kyrie puts her foot in the doorway as Jason tries to close it. "What are you-"
"I have needs, Jason. Needs Nero can't fulfill right now." He raises an eyebrow.
"And you're telling me this because...?" Kyrie tries to swallow the lump in her throat.

Seeing Jason for the first time rocked her world. His handsome face, the bad boy attitude. He has it all, it's hard to not fall for him. Trying to get intimacy from Nero felt forced as she thinks back on the many times she tried to impress Jason but always failed. "Sorry, bad timing", She quickly says and storms off. Jason's eyes trail after her but he only shrugs, closes the door to his room and falls onto the messy bed. A sigh escapes his lips.
"This has to end. I don't know how much longer I can keep up with this nonsense."

Unravel. 2023 (Nero x male OC)Where stories live. Discover now