The hands-off law

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Mattheo's pov:

But she doesn't sneak a peek. She simply keeps glaring at me. "You invoked a hogwarts- wide hands-off law? Are you kidding me?"

I'm not at all remorseful as I meet her eyes. "Of course I did."

"Oh my God. You are unbelievable." She shakes her head in disbelief. "Who does that, Mattheo? You can't just go around and tell all the guys at this school that they're not allowed to touch me or you'll kick their asses!"

"I didn't tell all the guys. Do I look like I have that kind of time?" I flash a grin. "I told a few key people and made sure they spread the word."

"What? If you can't have me no one else can?" she says darkly.

I snicker. "Well, that's just insane. I'm not a psycho, darling. I was doing it for your sake."

Her jaw drops. "How the hell do you figure that?"

"Because you're in love with me, and you don't want to date anyone else. But see, I was afraid your stubborn self would try to do it just to back up your cover story, so I had to take some preventative measures. I knew if you went out with anyone else you'd end up regretting it, and then you'd feel like an ass when you finally came to your senses."

"Yea, No. I do not believe you."

"I'm telling you that is the only reason"

"I know when you're lying to me. Now tell me, what were your real intentions?"

"I was planning on killing anyone who ever disrespects you. I would kill anyone who even looks at you the wrong way. If anyone so much as annoys you, I'll put a bullet in his skull and throw his body into the Black Lake. You never have to fight your own battles again, y/n, understood? I'll fucking destroy any dumb motherfucker who ever dares to even make you frown."

She looks at me with wide eyes.

"But then I decided that threatining them would also do the job." I said to relax her.

y/n's pov:

He's so vehement and his words are so unlikely, I start to laugh.

"Wow, Romeo. Does sex always make you this stabby?"

"And she's laughing," he grumbles. "Bloody wonderful."

"Wait..." I lift my head and look at him. "Are you serious?"

"Aye, I'm bloody serious!"

"Because that's unhinged. You know that, right?"

"I don't care!"

My brows lifted, I examine his expression. Aside from being insulted that I laughed, he's completely sincere about his confession.

It's a strange mix of disbelief and wonder that I feel.

And worry, too. This man's trigger finger is a little too itchy.

I say softly, "Thank you. That's lovely. Insane, but lovely."

He grumbles something and looks away.

Trying very hard not to laugh, I kiss his cheek. Into his ear, I whisper, "You know, for such a macho man, you're a big softie."

He grouses, "Don't say the word 'soft', while talking about me."

After a long pause I ask: "Does that mean we're official now?"

"Well depends, do you want to be my girlfriend darling?"

"I thought you didn't do labels"

"For you I'll do anything, my love"

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