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We all sat in the living room of my apartment. I was at the peak of confusion, trying to logically  work out how the stranger on the way couldn't see Alice and now suddenly a teenage girl who I have never seen can see her.  Could it be that I'm hallucinating Alice's existence and now I'm also hallucinating this girl's one?

"So what's your name?", Alice asked the youngster sitting on the couch.

"Lilly" she said in a whisper, if it wasn't for my excellent hearing I wouldn't have heard a thing.

Alice reached for her pocket and pulled out a shard, in an instant it was as tall as Alice.

I thought Alice was going to use it as a lie detector, just like the old days when we would interrogate suspects.

To my surprise Lilly fell to the ground with surprise written all over her face.

"Just like I thought, she's one of us" Alice said with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"One of us?" I asked knowing exactly what she meant but doubting every part of my mind.

"Yes that's how she found us and that explains why she can see me"

"Can see you? Alice can you stop talking in riddles and just clearly say what you mean or atleast help me get this girl's body of my living room floor " I said as i struggled to pick the girl up.

Alice looked at her body and said," her name is Lilly, 18 graduated high school, no family or friends and the most interesting part she has a habit of being around or in accidents but never dies." She looked straight into my eyes as I still struggled with Lilly's body.

"Dective Thomson, does that sound familiar to you?" She asked still not lifting a finger to help but by this time I had Lilly's body on the couch.

"You just explain my damn life ofcourse it's familiar"

"And don't you think it's a coincidence how you both saw shards for the first time when you were 18. Or how you both don't have family?"

"You made your point it's a very strange coincidence but we both know you don't believe in coincidences so what's your take on all this?" I asked getting annoyed at the fact that I didn't understand a single thing that was happening.

"You know how only a very few people in the world can see shards? And how not everyone else can? Well if my theory is correct then I'm almost certain that people who can see shards have similar traits. Have you ever wondered where my family is?"

She never talked about her family or had pictures of them but I always figured she didn't want to make me feel bad but come to think of it Alice never really cared about people's emotions she just cared about getting the job done so it was strange that she never talked about them. So Alice doesn't have a family or friends and I'm supposing she also saw shards for the first time when she was 18.

I would like to say that now everything makes sense but there are still a lot of unanswered questions on my mind.

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