Getting to know about the characters ( more clearly)

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Scoups is known as one of the ruthless and merciless mafias in s.korea, he took the position after his father died, he maybe known as a dangerous mafia ,but he wasn't a bad person he may have looks that he could kill just by one look, but he isn't like that,he doesn't blow up public places nor kills the innocents like other mafias , instead he is trying to find who is the cause of the bombings & explosions that's destroying the city and killing people, he only kills criminals and bad people

But other then his mafia life he is a single dad of beautiful 4month old son, he divorced his wife cuz she was using him and also left him with a new born , cuz of anger he tried to kill her but was stopped by his brother Jun
Seungcheol's father married 3 women the first one was Seungcheol soonyoung and mingyu's mom ,second was a Chinese woman who is jun's mom and the last one was an American woman who is Vernon's mom , but other then being half brothers they all loved each other and always had each others backs, Vernon is youngest but didn't want to be a mafia he became a police man the head chief assistant of the Choi's police team, u maybe thinking if hansol is one of the Choi brothers why isn't he the head chief ,
well my lovely readers our dear seungcheol here thought how mature and hard working jisoo is and how he manages the team ,so he impressed seungcheol but hansol was never jealous nor complained cuz he agrees that jisoo is a great chief and he's also friends with jisoo

Soonyoung & Jun were called the twins of Choi's but not from the same mother , cuz both were born the same year and month but not the same day , since middle school Jun soonyoung and jisoo were best friends though jisoo is a year older, jisoo knew they were mafias but didn't mind cuz he knew they weren't bad people,

Jeonghan & jisoo are identical twins but are different in personality, jeonghan is 2 minutes older then jisoo , the difference is jeonghan is a bottom while jisoo is a top, jeonghan is a daycare teacher while jisoo is the head chief of the Choi's police team, jeonghan knew his brother was working with mafias at first he freaked out but after jisoo explained to him he understood ( poor man doesn't know he also is gonna work for the Choi's) , so jeonghan & jisoo's mom used to own a daycare where jeonghan began to work at since the age of 14 , it became an after school thing to help and spend time with his mom , while jisoo he wanted to also help his mom but he was too focused in studyies, the kids loved jeonghan even his mom was impressed how her son can manage kids at such a young age , 4 years later when the twins were 18 they found out that their mother had cancer and was terribly sick , they were devastated , the twins tried to focus on studies and at the same time help and support their mother , they even closed the daycare and explained to the children's parents thank goodness they understood, then about 5 months their mother passed away , they all were devastated especially jeonghan who was very close to his mother , her last wish before she passed was that jeonghan took over the daycare , and ofc he agreed,then 2 years later when they were 20 their father passed away by a car accident so they went & lived with their grandparents, even though they were old enough but their grandparents insisted and they couldn't say no , soo they lived their with jisoo's boyfriend good thing their grandparents house was big enough , there grandpa had cancer they didn't want to risk losing another member of their family to they worked very hard with jobs with the help of  jisoo's boyfriend, but still they surgery was really expensive.

Soo let me explain how the twins met their friends
First they met well jeonghan met seokmin in middle school , both got sooo close in a week , jeonghan introduced seokmin to jisoo and the moment jisoo met seokmin he had a crush on him, then seokmin introduced them to his older brother Wonwoo , jisoo on the other hand met soonyoung and jun , they also became close ,they also knew about his crush and started teasing him, the twins cousin jihoon was new to their school so jeonghan invited him to their group soon became close with jeonghan's friends and also found a crush on a certain tiger like man, on their first day of high school they were approached by a chubby cheeked like diva boy who is non other then our boo, Minghao was a transfer student from china , seungkwan invited him for lunch and introduced him to his group & soon became close with them and joined there group , they all were very close and always had each others backs even when the twins lost their mother they'd always comfort them even though jisoo's friend group is consents of 3 he was still happy cuz jeonghans friends were his friends too they also comforted him, in high school jisoo confessed to seokmin and he said yes both started dating since then jeonghan knew his brother had a crush on his best friend and the other way around , soo he was the one who made a plan to make them confess, he also noticed his cousin and his friend Minghao also had crush's on his brothers friends soo he also planned on making them confess , gosh poor hannie make people fall in love but can't find love himself ( soon hannie soon) , soo finally soonhoon & junhao are sailing all thanks to our cupid hannie, on their graduation day the friend group had too separate soo they can follow their dreams especially the twins it was really hard for them and seokmin, but they still contact each other , jeonghan stayed in Seoul , Joshua went to LA for his studies , Wonwoo went back to Changwon his hometown and study there ,while his younger brother went to their mother's hometown Yongin and study there, Minghao went to back to china to pursue his dream as a fashion designer, woozi went to daegu where his older brother lives , so he can pursue his dream as a producer just like his brother , seungkwan went back to his hometown jeju island since he didn't visit in a while soo he decided to study there and become a ballet dancer, they all would face time each other and talk about their days , well mainly just seungkwan gossiping,spilling tea & talking about bitchs in college etc, 3y later they all reunited again even had a party, Joshua came back from LA and proposed to seokmin with the help of his brother , soonhoon, meanie & junhao also got engaged at the same day but sadly jeonghan couldn't make it to the wedding since something
came up at the daycare,he apologised

(Explanation on how meanie met)
Wonwoo and Mingyu met when Mingyu had a mission in Changwon, Wonwoo was working in a cafe , he was packing his belongings soo he can go home he was the only one in the cafe and the manager told him to close it, he was about to leave when suddenly the cafe door burst open, a very tall and handsome man( that's what Wonu thought )about 6ft , covered in blood had my wounds and cuts on his face but still managed to look good- ahhmm moving on, wonwoo was shocked he couldn't process what was happing the man came in and he looked out side just to make sure no one was around , he turned around just to meet a very shocked Wonwoo , he looked at him while panting , 3 minutes later after he calmed down , " where's the key", the man said , Wonwoo was confused,"huh?", the man looked at him and said again
" I meant where's the key to  lock the cafe, wonwoo understood and went to the man & gave him the key, the locked the door , and leaned on it  while panting again, " what's going??and are u ok??" Wonwoo said as he walked closer to the man, " do I look ok???" The man said sarcastically, that made Wonwoo blush in embarrassment, the man found it cute , "wait let get the first aid kit " Wonwoo said as he ran to the back ,he came back and started treating the man's wound, after he finished he asked the man ," can u pls tell me what's going and why u suddenly came into the cafe almost giving me a heart attack " the man smiled at how cute wonwoo's was when he was frustrated " im a mafia don't panicked I'm not a bad one a good one , I was fighting with my enemy but as u can see I was injured and your cafe was the only shop open "Wonwoo nodded in understanding ," I didn't catch your name " the man asked , Wonwoo looked at him hesitating to tell him but told him anyways " Wonwoo, jeon wonwoo" said Wonwoo 'beautiful' the man said making Wonwoo blush, " what's yours?"Wonwoo asked "Mingyu Choi Mingyu " wonwoo nodded , after that Mingyu offered Wonwoo a drive home , as an apology for scaring him Wonwoo denied at first but Mingyu insisted soo he said yes , Mingyu also got to get wonwoo number , he would always visit his cafe at night when it's closing time cuz he wants to spend time with, then mingyu confessed to wonwoo and he said yes , and that's the story about how meanie met

Sorry for the late update , just in case I wanted to explain to u there stories , tell me what did u think about this
Promise next  chapter is the first episode for now bye!!! Hope u enjoyed!!!💕💕🫶🏻
Bye pookies💕💕💕

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