🔥 Chapter 5 🔥

Start from the beginning

He backflips off the block and fell downwards as the wind blew on his face and through his golden hair as he landed on the bricks. He began to run faster as he leaped forward and onto a brick ramp. He jumped up and spun in the air for a second as a wooden version of Bowser appeared in front of Peach before the prince kicked with with all of his strength, causing it to break into tiny bits while sliding on the donut blocks causing them to turn red and fall down onto the water.

He was almost finished as he could see the goal and the siblings waiting for him as he raced towards them before the Bunzai Bills shot out of their canons ad were aim at Peach, but he didn't look scared in the slightest, he only ran even faster with a fearless grin. He jumped on top of the Bunzai bills as he outstretched his arms towards the pole. He grabbed it and swung around it before he wrapped his arms and legs around the pole and slid down it, and as he got to the bottom, he backflipped off the pole and landed of his feet with grace as he finally finished the course. He looked back at the siblings as he panted while dusting his hands off while Y/n gawked at him with eyed sparkling eyes.

Y/n: "That. Was. So. Amazing! You were so awesome!"

She excitedly fangirled as she ran up to him and gave him a high five and Peach happily returned the gesture with a breathless laugh.

Prince Peach: "Why, Thank you, My lady."

He playfully bowed to her while smiling at her as she grinned back at him before he fixed his shirt and sash a bit.

Mario: "W-wait, h-how are we supposed to do that?"

Mario asked nervously while looking down at himself nervously before Peach smiled and gestured to the mystery block floating above them with his hands.

Prince Peach: "With the Power-up's. They give us special abilities! Mario will go first."

Peach bended his knees and leaped into the air as he used his fist to hit the mystery block causing it to turn sparkle and brown as a power up magically flew out of the block as it fell into Mario's hand. His face way excited until it dropped when he saw the the power up was of course: A red and white mushroom.

Mario: "Ugh, Really?"

He groaned while rolled his eyes as he shook his head as a grossed out frown appeared on his lips.

Prince Peach: "Go on! Eat it."

Peach said with and encouraging but slightly impatient tone with a wave of his hand as Y/n motioned him to eat it. Mario dramatically groaned out in disgust and as he squeamishly bounced in place. He brought the mushroom to his mouth before he chickened out and looked at Peach.

Mario: "Now, does this have to be a mushroom? Cause I just HATE mushrooms and..."

Peach didn't respond. He just looked at Mario sternly with his hands on his hips and a pout on his lips while Y/n slightly rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Y/n: "Come on bro, I know you don't like them, but you have to. Do it for Luigi's sake.

Mario: "Okay, Okay. You're right."

Mario nodded in agreement before he slowly brought the mushroom to his mouth only to once again stop and look at Peach pleadingly which was starting to annoy the prince.

Mario: "Are you sure there's not like a-?"

Prince Peach: "Down the hatch!"

The prince snatched the mushroom out of Mario's hand as Peach then began to forcibly shove the mushroom into his mouth while ignoring Mario's cries of disgust and slight pain, which Y/n to wince and slightly worry that he could accidentally choke Mario.

🍄⭐️👑 "You're My Super Star!" 🍄⭐️👑 Male! Princess Peach x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now