⭐️ Chapter 2 ⭐️

Start from the beginning

The group popped up in front of the screen again and they pushed their caps up as they looked at the camera with kind and friendly grins.

Mario: "It's-a me, a-Mario!"

Luigi: "And-a Luigi!"

Y/n: "And-a don't forget about-a me, Y/n!"

The screen then showed Luigi and Y/standing by the van with their backs against each other with their sunglasses on again while Mario was in front on them.

Mario: "Are you-a tired of a-paying too much for plumbing?"

Mario asked while shrugging playfully and then it showed the trio with shocked faces with their hands on their cheeks with agape mouths and wide eyes with money in the background as green dollar signs appeared by them.

The trio: "Mamma Mia!"

The three were laying on top on stools in order to appear they were flying with yellow capes tied around their necks with the background of Brooklyn.

Y/n: "That's a-why the Super Mario Siblings are here!"

Y/n gestured to her other before winking with a small encouraging smile. Then it showed a map of New York as Mario flicked a small replica of their van from Brooklyn towards Queens in the map. It obviously missed its target so Luigi had to jump in frame and fix it to land on Queens.

Mario: "To save Brooklyn.
Luigi: "And-a Queens.

Mario: "And-a your wallet!"

They slide on the screen with their yellow capes still on as they outstretched their arms at the background which was a wallets filled with money.

"Thank you, Super Mario Siblings! It seems like the only thing you haven't drained is my bank account..."

The women said as she made it super obvious that she was reading the teleprompter as she took we her eyes off the screen before shrugging and shaking her head a little as her face scrunched up in confusion.

Y/n: "Forget-a the expensive a-plumbing companies-a where you're just a face-a."

The trio were standing in front of the van again as Mario wrapped his arm around his sister and brother while Luigi wrapped his arm his sister's waist while Y/n placed her arms on both of her brother's shoulders.

Mario: "With-a Super Mario Siblings-a, You're family!"

🎵Hooked on the Siblings!🎵

It cuts to said siblings hugging each other while they were watching their commercial on the tv. After the commercial was finished, the separated form the hug as they laughed with joy from watching their ad.

Mario: "Wow! You guys were great!"

Mario exclaimed happily as he playfully smacked their caps down, causing the two to lift them back into place as they smiled at their older brother.

Y/n: "Yeah! You and Luigi were so awesome!"

Luigi: "I was great? Are you kidding me? You two were great!"

Luigi told them with excitement as he jabbed Mario's stomach before taking Y/n's cap of and ruffled her hair, causing her to laugh and playfully glare at him.

Mario: "I am so glad we spent our life saving on this commercial."

He said proudly as his face shined brightly with enthusiasm, which radiated to theirs siblings as they felt the same energy.

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