thirty eight

602 38 3

Filler chapter

Caleb looked at the ring he's been holding onto since they came back from his mom. He looked beside him to see Sawyer sleeping soundly. He smiled as he kissed her head and decided to fix breakfast for her.

The sound of her phone had him grabbing it and turning it off as he was not going to let Spencer and the other liars stress Sawyer out. He shook his head as he went to go do what was planned.

Sawyer smelt food causing her to wake up and smile. "Caleb?"

"I'll be right there, baby." He says. "We're having breakfast in bed."

Sawyer smiled till she ran to the bathroom. Caleb heard her and went to hold her hair. "I'll get you some Ginger Ale." He says. "Come on, let's get you back in bed."

Sawyer looked at him. "How did I get so lucky?"

"I should be asking you that."

She laughed as he helped her back to bed then back to cooking. Sawyer had this feeling that he was going to do something and she wondered what that would be.
When Caleb was finished he carried the tray in the room. Sawyer smiled at the food. "Yummy." She says as he put the tray down, but she gasped. "Caleb?"

"Will you marry me?"

She looked at him with a smile. "Yes."

Kissing her, Caleb got in the bed beside her. They broke apart and looked at the food and started eating. "I love you."

"I love you."

SawyerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora