Brozone: trolls wanna have fun

Start from the beginning

Poppy grabbed a water bucket and started to water the flowers. "Sure. What's up?" Poppy asked as she looked at him.

Floyd follows him "Uh, what's up is I, uh, I-I-I-I-I-I. I wanted to tell you that...uh." Branch sighed.

"Your crushing it at this queen thing." Branch said.
And Floyd face palmed himself while shaking his head.

'When was he going to tell her?' He thought.

"Aw, Branch, thank you. Being a good queen is the most important thing in the world to me. Other than being yours and brozone's friend." Poppy said to Branch.

"Uh, five it up?" Poppy asked as she has her hand up for a high five

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"Uh, five it up?" Poppy asked as she has her hand up for a high five. But for some reason, they missed.

"Huh. That could've been better. Let's try that again." Poppy said before they do another high five. But once again, they miss.

"Okay, one more." Poppy said. They do it again but miss again.

"Huh. For some reason, we can't seem to make a good connection." Poppy said. Fuzzbert walked by with his hand in the air for a high five.

Fuzzbert walks over to Poppy and high fives her before walking away. "Oh, yes, Fuzzbert! Now, that's a good connection." Poppy said.

"Yeah" branch walks back to Floyd looking defeated as Floyd was concerned.

"It's ok, at least you tried" Floyd pats his back.

Then John comes up with a bottle of glitter juice and he had a smiled on his game and gives two thumbs up.

Then John comes up with a bottle of glitter juice and he had a smiled on his game and gives two thumbs up

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But Floyd and branch gives him a sad look and a thumbs down and John's face changed.

But Floyd and branch gives him a sad look and a thumbs down and John's face changed

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"What?" Then he frowns and gives thumbs down.

Then the three of them head down to the hideout where Clay and spruce plan a congratulations party with a banner that says: CONGRATS BROPPY, confetti was everywhere and balloons fell down when the two jump out shouting.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" They both smiled but all they saw was sad frowns and Floyd shaking.

"He didn't do it" John says.

"What?" Clay muttered.

"Let me guess, he chickened out again" spruce says.

"Chickened out again" John and branch says.

"Ugh come on man" Clay groans.

"That's the fifth time this week branch" spruce says.

"I know I know, but I it's so hard talking to her" branch says.

"How hard can it be all you have to do it march over, look her in the eye and say: poppy I love you will you please be my girlfriend and boom! There you go" spruce explains as he demonstrates on clay.

"It's not that easy spruce" branch says.

"How is it not that easy, you had a crush on her since, what? you were 8?" Spruce says.

"I mean, every time I look at her, I freeze, I have the words inside my head but every time I try to tell her, I have a hard time getting the words out of my mouth, it's so hard" branch was frustrated as he sits at the table with his brothers joining.

"Well you got to tell her sooner or later, we wanna be here for you and poppy to be a thing now before summer ends" John says.

"Guys. I have time, it's not like poppy is going anywhere"

But little branch knows, each of them shared a worried glance to another.

"Branch we need to tal John starts.

"Sure, what is it?" Branch had no clue that what happened next would change his life.

"Branch, I'm sorry to say but there is something we should tell you, I don't think you're gonna like it" John explains.

"Sure, I'm listening" branch says.

"Ok so, we decided to break up brozone" John blurts out.

"What?" Branch was shocked, "but why?"

"I'm sorry branch but we're out of sync now, we gone from boys to men and right I think it's best if we...split up and went out separate ways, we'll still see each other" John says as they all were heartbroken by this news.

"Well if that's how you guys feel" then branch went from sad to calm, "ok"

It surprises his brothers, "wha-really" John was shocked.

"You're not upset" Floyd asked.

"No of course not, if you guys wanna quit the band and live your own lives that's ok go ahead just don't forget About me ok and I'm glad you guys told me in the calmest way possible"

"Wow uh ok branch, thanks" John says.

"You know out of s of us, we thought you would be upset about this" spruce says.

"No, of course not, if you guys wanna take a break from the band go on" branch continues to encourage them.

"Ok but what about you branch, you sure you're gonna be fine?" Clay asked.

"It's alright guys I'll be fine, I'm just glad I had you guys in my life, you guys raise me and took care of me even after grandma was gone, that's enough for me, besides I have poppy I'll be fine" branch assured his brothers with a smile.

John smiled "Ok branch, hey-" All of a sudden, the five of them heard screaming, it had them jumped.

"What was that" Clay asked.

"I don't know but we better go check it out" John ran out of his seat and the others joined him.

TROLLS: what if branch's brothers never leftWhere stories live. Discover now