A rivalry

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I take in deep breath. One by one the lights turn on. This is the last time. The last race I'll get to watch, the last time I'll ever be in this garage...

As every person holds their breath, the lights turn off. Engines roar, and the red Ferrari, that I can't take my eyes off, flies ahead.

Lewis follows closely, already passing- My heart jumps to my throat. Lando. I'd been so distracted that I hadn't even noticed Lando started P2.

Watching Lewis and Lando fight for the space behind Charles, a weird feeling erupts in my gut. Charles & Lando.

Diving into turn 1 Lando already takes P2 back from Lewis, now following after the blazing red Ferrari. A grunt echoes through the garage, as Lando quickly creates a gap to Lewis.

Nervously I look over at Juliet. Headphones pulled over her head, she shares the same expression as me. Worry and fear.

Unable to take my eyes off the screen, I watch as Lando edges closer and closer to Charles through the straight.

My heart beats with adrenaline, thousands of emotions overwhelming me. I don't even know who I'm rooting for...

Nearing turn 5, Lando goes up besides Charles, the papaya and red colors side by side. I grasp out after Juliet's hand, my heart beat raising with every inch they grow closer.

The garage falls silent, the entire circuit falls silent, everyone watching the 2 drivers in anticipation. This can only go wrong... after everything that happened at the press conference today...

The silence suddenly breaks, a roar of gasps and screams instead roaming over the circuit. Charles dives into turn 5, Lando does the same.

Charles is on the inside, but that clearly doesn't face Lando. Acting like the track is empty to himself, Lando fully dives into the corner.

Diving straight into the side of Charles's car...

My hand goes up to my mouth in shock, Juliet immediately squeezing my hand from the same panic.

My eyes flicker as Charles and Lando fly in the air, right before my eyes. Chaos erupts everywhere, fans screaming, mechanics panicking and Lewis shouting over the radio.

But I stay frozen, my eyes glued to the screen. Bang. Even though I can't hear it, the view of Charles's Ferrari crashing into the barrier, makes my whole body shake in terror.


Tears fill in my eyes. The papaya car that belongs to Lando, rolls on the ground, first stopping when it crashes into the ruins of Charles's car.

My vision becomes blurry. No. Not both of them. Everything around me, all the panic and chaos, fades away, my only focus being the cars on the small screen.

10 seconds. No response. 20 seconds. Silence. 30 seconds... No movement. 40 seconds...50... 60..?

My head becomes foggy. They still haven't moved. My heart pumps faster than ever, too fast. A tear crawls down my cheek.

Silence. The world around me fades to black.


Bright light. A silent hum. Pain.

"Evelyn can you hear me?" A voice erupts in my mind, stopping the hum from echoing inside my head.

"Evelyn please, I need you to wake up" The voice says, spilling over with emotions. This time I recognize it immediately.

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