Chapter 4 - Right

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All at once it felt like they were flying through the air, wooden trunks and squirrels whizzing by. Gwen held her eyes shut and threw her arms around Maria's neck, holding on for dear life.

"First, we'll get back to the path - you'll be able to travel faster that way." Gwen could barely hear Maria's new escape plan over the roar of the wind as they zoomed between the trees. "I'll take us past their blockade, then head back for your bow while you run as fast as you can."

"Wait - you want to split up? Nonono." She practically had to yell to make sure she could be heard as she shook her head in vehement disagreement, though to Maria it felt more like she was nuzzling into her chest. "And I already told you, the bow ain't important!"

"You're not a very good liar, you know that?" This time she kept her eyes forward instead of giving Gwen a smug look as usual - they really must have been going fast if she actually had to pay attention. "Let me do this for you."

"No! Let's just get outta here-"

"Oh no, what's this? I think I feel my hands slipping...!"

"Maria!" She dug her claws into Maria's back and clung to her even tighter. "Okay, okay! I'll play along. But only as long as you promise you'll be safe!"

"But that would get in the way of the other part of my plan!" She slid to a stop near the forest's edge, who knows how far away from where they had been before. "If I'm leaving you on your own, I want to make sure you stay safe. And that means creating a diversion to keep them off your tail. Pun intended, of course."

"But what if you get caught?" Her face still buried in Maria's chest and unaware that they had stopped, she protested at a volume that was entirely too loud.

With a grin at her partner's inattentiveness, Maria whispered into Gwen's ear, causing her tail to fluff up once again. "As if they could even touch me. Have some faith, would you?"

"Ahh!" She jerked away from her, flailed around a bit as they each lost their grip on one another, then fell to the ground. Gazing upward to her mischievous friend's self-satisfied smirk, she exhaled. "Don't do that."

She rose to her feet and dusted herself off for what was likely the tenth time that evening, continuing her complaints as she did so.

"It's not that I don't have faith in you, you do seem awful strong after all. I dunno, it's just..." She trailed off and turned away for a moment before returning her gaze to Maria with earnest eyes. "We only just met, it don't feel right lettin' you put yourself in danger for me."

Maria shrugged, then delivered the most believable line she'd said that night. "I've put myself in much more dangerous situations for far worse reasons."

"I know you're worried, but it'll be okay. You have my word." She placed her hand on Gwen's shoulder by way of consolation. "We'll part for now, but it won't be long until we're reunited. Then we'll celebrate our freedom and enjoy the beautiful ocean view as we watch the sunrise."

Gwen smiled weakly in response. "Will there be snacks?"

"Will there be snacks, she asks." Maria scoffed, then probably rolled her eyes. It was difficult to tell through the mask. "Don't worry, I'll pick something up while I'm out."

"I'd like some strawberries, please!" Eager to make food-related demands, she followed behind her to the once again nearby road with a bounce in her step.

"Thankfully, the directions from here are simple. Go this way for a bit and it shouldn't be long until you reach a fork - take a left when you do." She gestured down ahead of them and then continued her instructions.

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