justice for percy's hair

Start from the beginning

Aria shot Percy a sceptical look. "So, let me get this straight. Luke gives you flying shoes, you don't want them, and you give them to Grover?"

Percy nodded. "Exactly. Besides, they suit Grover's flying goat aesthetic better."

Grover beamed, spreading his arms wide. "They're eco friendly too! I won't be burning any fossil fuels while flying. The lord of the wild approves."

Annabeth, ever the strategist, brought them back to the task at hand. "As fascinating as these flying escapades are, we need to focus. We have to get moving if we're going to make it to the underworld in time."

As the demigods (and grover) exited the relative shelter of Camp Half Blood, a sleek black car awaited them in the courtyard. Argus, the camp's resident security chief and driver, stood beside the vehicle, a stoic expression on his many faces. Aria, Percy, Annabeth and Grover, climbed into the car, the scent of leather enveloping them as they settled into the plush seats.

The rhythmic dance of raindrops against the car's windows played a soothing melody as Argus skilfully navigated the winding roads toward New York. Aria cast a contemplative glance at her companions. Grover seemed fidgety, Percy appeared lost in thought, and Annabeth wore a pensive expression. Aria couldn't help but notice Percy's casual sprawl, seemingly oblivious to the confines of the backseat.

"You mind not invading my personal space?" Aria snapped at Percy, who lounged comfortably across his seat.

Percy, looking confused, glanced in her direction. "What's the problem? There's enough room."

Aria scoffed, her irritation evident. "Maybe for someone who doesn't hog the entire backseat."

Annabeth, seated on the other side of Aria, attempted to diffuse the brewing conflict. "Come on, guys. We've barely started the quest, and you're already fighting."

Aria shot Annabeth an annoyed look before redirecting her attention to Percy. "Just because your dad is the sea god doesn't mean you get to flood the whole car with your presence."

Percy rolled his eyes. "It's not like I can control that."

Sensing the mounting tension, Annabeth opted for a more diplomatic approach. "Let's just all take a deep breath. We have a long journey ahead, and we need to work together."

Aria, though visibly irritated, begrudgingly nodded. Percy shifted slightly, making an effort to give Aria more space, but the car's confines still felt tighter than ever. They eventually pulled up at the greyhound station on the upper east side. The rain had eased up slightly, leaving behind a glistening sheen on the city streets. With a glance and a nod of thanks, the quartet retrieved their bags and bus tickets from Argus. The imposing security chief gave them a rare, reassuring smile before getting back into the black car.

"Good luck, kids," he said, his many eyes conveying a mix of concern and encouragement. With that, Argus drove away, leaving Percy, Aria, Annabeth, and Grover standing on the rain drenched sidewalk.

With time to spare before their bus arrived, they took shelter in the station's waiting area. The fluorescent lights flickered overhead as they settled into the worn out chairs, the monotony of waiting beginning to settle in. The overhead announcement speakers crackled with inaudible instructions, and the digital display boards flickered with departure times.

"I'm bored," Percy declared, glancing around the station. "Anyone up for a game?"

Aria raised an eyebrow. "A game? Seriously?"

Percy grinned. "Why not? We've got time to kill."

The idea seemed to catch on, and Percy pulled out a shiny red apple from his backpack. "How about we mix it up a bit? Hacky sack with a twist?"

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