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"What?How the hell?"Jisoo asked.

"We really don't know ma'am,do you have any idea when was this implanted inside your head?"The doctor asked.

"I have no recollection of it."Jisoo answered.Jisoo thought about it through,and then a conclusion formed in her head.

"Wait.My father uses a certain button and when he presses it,my head feels electrocuted,it hurts so bad and I can't even move.I feel like I'm having a stroke everytime he does it.Can that be..related to this?"Jisoo asked once again.

"He does that?"Seulgi said,clenching her fist."Oh that old man's gonna be beaten up."

"This is not the right time for that,Seulgi."Jennie said.

"We can go check on that,I can scan the information for you.Thenl if you wished to have this removed,we will willingly do it for you."The doctor said.

"Will Jiyong know this?"Jisoo asked,not wanting her father to know this before it occurs.

"Although we are servicing the KIA agents,it doesn't mean that all information will be passed on to them.We doctors do not have direct affiliation to them so I can guarantee you that your privacy is safe.Specially you're the one and only legendary Gunpo!You saved this country so many times and this is the least we can do in turn."

"Thank you."After some discussion,Jisoo was brought to be tested and the results confirmed her suspicions.

"It is unnamed device,or maybe we can't just see this clearly yet.But what we can confirm is the information it holds.It can't control you,but it sends wave of electric shocks throughout your head that can cause an abnormality,making you unable to control your pain and sends excruciating pain throughout your brain and to your whole body.It causes a temporary disability,and maybe your suspicions are indeed right."The doctor explained.

"He is a monster."

"Appa I saw that.They put that in my head and it's ouchy."Junho says making Jisoo's eyes widened.

"You have to get Junho checked too."

As it turns out,Junho does have the same implant as Jisoo.So Jisoo decided to get it removed from herself,and also from Junho.

"But I do want you to know that Junho have regeneration ability.Can you still do it?"Jisoo asked.

"He will be alright with us,Miss Kim.We held many other cases similar to this so it will not be a problem."

"Thank you."Jisoo was nervous as she laid on the bed,with Junho on another bed just beside her.Jennie were both holding their hand.

"Everything will be alright,Junho.We will be alright."Jisoo assures the boy,who in return smiled at her.

"You will also be alright."Jennie cups Jisoo's face."After this,everything will be alright."

"But where's Seulgi?"Jisoo asked.Jennie knows the reason,but she doesn't plan to tell Jisoo any further as Seulgi asked.

"Don't think of it now,alright?You will see her again."Jisoo nods,letting the doctors put on anesthesia on her.Jisoo closed her eyes.

I wish everything will be alright.

Jisoo wakes up,she was in a room.Jennie was there,sitting on the couch.She wanders her eyes around,she saw Junho in a bed that is not so far away from her,asleep but facing her.Jennie finally noticed that Jisoo's awake.

"Jisoo how are you feeling?Are you alright?"Jennie asks worriedly.

"I'm perfectly fine.How about Junho?"

"He woke up earlier than you,actually.He panicked and cried when he did not see you so the doctor advised to transfer you both in a bigger room so he could keep an eye on you.He waited for you to wake up but then he fell asleep."Jennie narrated.Jisoo chuckled.

"That's my boy.And sorry for sleeping too much.Haven't had a good night sleep in a while."Jisoo joked.Jennie's face saddened,making Jisoo worry that her joke made her sad.

"Oh I'm sorry Jennie did it made you sad?I didn't mean to."Jisoo apologized.

"No it's not that.I..I just wandered.Now that your father no longer have a hold on you,you can now leave the agency freely.If you leave it,the project will be ceased.I can no longer be with you and Junho I can't even live—"

"Jennie."Jisoo cuts her off."Jennie look at me."She cups Jennie's face."No I will not leave.Before I was desperate to go,but you and Junho became my reason to stay.If staying means I could be with you,then I will stay.Even if it's forever,I will stay with you and our son."Jennie smiles.

"Please do."

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