chapter twenty four.

Start from the beginning

Keanu drove to Chick-fil-A, ordered their food, and then they went to the park. Usually, they went to the park after therapy, but today, having grabbed food earlier, they decided to enjoy the park before Skyler's therapy session. He'll probably end up taking her to the park again after their session just so she could have fun.

"You ready to turn 7?" Keanu asked Skyler, who shifted her attention away from her iPad, where she was engrossed in a movie.

"Yeah, then 6 more years until I'm a teenager." Skyler added with a grin.

"Why you wanna be a teenager so bad?" Keanu asked Skyler, curious about her excitement for the teenage years. "When I was a teenager I wanted to be back yo age. I still do."

"Well, I was gonna say we could switch roles, but I don't wanna be that old, so..." Skyler glanced at Keanu, her lips all puckered to the side.

"You got jokes princess." Keanu laughed. Skyler was so sassy, and it reminded him of Naomi.

Almost every time Naomi opened her mouth she had something smart to say. Her mouth didn't filter things nicely, and her facial expressions often added another layer to her responses. It was a trait that made Keanu smile at the memories, recognizing the same in Skyler.

Keanu sat there, watching Skyler eat her chicken nuggets engrossed in Moana which was playing on her iPad. He contemplated telling her about Mieke but after a moment of silence, he decided to tell her. Keeping Mieke a secret from Skyler was never the plan; he simply wanted them to get together first before doing all that.

"Sky I have a girlfriend."

"A girlfriend? Seriously?" Skyler exclaimed, peering up from her iPad. "Finally!" she sighed loudly, her excitement clear in her little voice.

"Wow, I'm making yo birthday extra special for you this year, and this is how you treating me? Like a dirty penny?" Keanu pretended to be offended, and Skyler, knowing about Keanu's playful antics are, couldn't do shit but laugh.

"I'm just playing Dad. Is she pretty?"

Keanu nodded, saying, "She's beautiful. You wanna see her?" He asked and Skyler, seated in front of him at the table, got up and walked over. Keanu unlocked his phone, "Here she go."

Keanu nearly got butterflies in his stomach as he watched the video of Mieke on his phone. It was a cute lil video he recorded the other day when he was laying on her lap, and she was completely absorbed in something on her phone.

Skyler grabbed the phone out of his hands and was instantly mesmerized by the video of Mieke. "She's really pretty. What's her name?"

"Mieke," Keanu replied, a smile playing on his face. "She knows about you too, She thinks youre pretty and she likes you." He then got the idea to play around with Skyler "She even said something bout how me and you look alike."

"Dad please, she did not say that," Skyler said, holding her hand up before skipping away to sit back down in front of him. "When am I going to meet her? Tell her to come to my party."

"You just inviting everybody to yo party, Huh?" Keanu asked. It was true. She'd already invited her whole class and a bunch of kids she gets along with at Fela's daycare. "Ima tell her."

"Yes, my party is like a big celebration."

After Skyler finished with her Chick-fil-A, They headed to her therapist's office, arriving right on time. Keanu signed in, and they walked into the hallway walking to Astrid's office. She stood there, waiting for them, and her face lit up upon seeing them. She's a really kind white lady.

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