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This morning, I woke up at 5:42 instead of 5:30 on the dot. I am rather perplexed.


I can only hope that the reason lies with the girl lying next to me, Kushida Kikyou. Perhaps she somehow caused me to shatter something hardwired into my brain for years. Could it be that I found her hold on me overnight comfortable? Maybe.

Does this count as progress to breaking away from my past? I can only hope so.


"Sae-chan-sensei! Do we have 0 points this month too?! I checked, and I haven't received anything!"

"Hoh, is that the reason why you're all so restless?"

"I mean, didn't we work hard this month?! We passed the midterms, weren't late, and didn't whisper!"


"The school decided, not me. Once the issue is resolved, you will receive your points. That is, if there are any left."

Ike still seemed like he couldn't accept this, but stayed silent. Chabashira-sensei's words were overlooked by many as she began teaching.


After school, Kushida texted me that she would be coming over to my room. Now that I think about it, it would be rather disastrous if someone were to see my messages with her. She didn't specify when, however, so I simply waited in my dorm. Eventually, she arrived, opening the door on her own.


"God, that was so fucking annoying." I stare at her.


"How did you open the door?"

"Ah, those fucking retards decided to buy keys to your dorm, under the excuse of 'Ummmm... it's where our study group meets up!!!!'" She smiled at me. "I'm keeping mine, though."

"I just learned this information." I'm genuinely surprised that they had the brain power to think of buying a key to someone else's room... or perhaps they don't have the sufficient intelligence to think of why you wouldn't be able to.

"Well, shit! You want me to take theirs?"

"That would be preferable."

"I'll do it later. Today was a fucking shitshow... these fucking bitches wouldn't stop going on and on about how we haven't received points yet. They don't ever shut the fuck up! And I had to fucking mediate the entire time..."

"Sounds hard."

"Oh, it fucking was..."

"You want dinner?"

"Eh... Are you sure you want us to be seen together?"

"No, I'm cooking."

"You... can cook?"

"Not particularly, but it's point efficient."

"I see, Sure, then."


"What the fuck do you mean, 'you can't cook?!' This shit's good!"

"I merely followed a recipe." Her piercing gaze enveloped me.

"Reeally? What did it say?"

"...Place the... thing... on the thing?"

"Pff-!" She laughs at my pathetic attempt of a lie. "

"It's true, though. Look." I showed her on my phone.

1. Place the thing on the thing.

2. Cook. It's that simple.

"...There's no fucking way."

In reality, I simply found a random recipe online, opened devtools on my computer by pressing F12, clicked the icon that resembles a laptop, which brings the website into how it would look on a phone, inspected the first two steps, replaced them with my own text, took a screenshot, mailed it to myself, saved the photo on my phone, and pulled up the photo.

I did all of this right after she messaged me that she was coming to my room.




"There is, in fact, a way." What I did not account for, however, was her grabbing my phone faster than I could react.

"...It's a fucking screenshot."

"...It's easier to go to my saved photos than to find the website again through my search history."

"Search history, huh..." She swipes up and taps a few times. Wait.

"Human customs... how to make-" I snatch my phone away from her and delete everything.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about. There's nothing here."



Dinner has elapsed, and we are now sitting on my bed with her leaning on my shoulder.

"Ne, Ayanokouji-kun... I-"

She gets interrupted by a loud bang! coming from my door.

"Save me, Ayanokou..."


"Never mind! Sorry! I'll ask someone else!" He blasts back out of my room and slams the door shut. I exchange a look with Kushida. I guess he is going to ask Horikita for assistance instead of me. I wonder why he went to me first, however.

"I think I'm going to invest in a chain lock for the time being."

"That... might be the move." A red Kushida mumbles."


fucking 744 words

i dont know how to write this fucking trial so here is some more shitty ass brainrot

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