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As a celebration for passing the midterms, our study group decided to host a small party.

In my fucking room.

"Anyway, I was wondering how you cancelled Sudou's expulsion."

"Un, un! What magic did you use, Kushida-chan?!"

"Ah... eto... I asked nicely...?"

Surprisingly, her excuse matched with mine. Horikita gave me a look.

"Ehh?! Seriously?"

There's no fucking way.

"Well, if it's Kushida-chan, I'm sure she could pull it off!"

At the very least, Sudou looked at Kushida skeptically.

"That reminds me, Ayanokouji-kun." Horikita piped in. "You entered the classroom seconds after Kushida-san did. Care to explain?"


"Well... uh-"

Ike and Yamauchi's gazes were drawn to me.

"Seriously, Ayanokouji?!"

"You traitor!"

These two make me question my decisions in the past year.


"The truth is-" Kushida and I spoke at the same time.

Ahh... If I interrupt her, these two mentally well people will be perfectly fine with it.

"You go first, Kushida."

"Arigatou. Well, actually, I asked Ayanokouji-kun to come in- with me. He was the only calm one, and he helped me throw out all these accusations about how the test was unfair, and how Sudou shouldn't be expelled! It was so cool..."

The room was silent for a second due to Kushida's praise and then...

"Haah?! This nobody Ayanokouji did that?!"

"I could've done that too, Kushida-cha..."

And then they all fucking fainted. With some rather comedic timing, aswell.

"Ehh?! What happened,Ayanokouji-kun?!"

I continued from where I was interrupted. "The truth is, their drinks were all drugged."

She gave me a blank stare.




After we finished explaining how they all coincidentally fainted at the same time to the dorm staff, they brought them to their rooms and Kushida and I returned to my room. She is grinning like a maniac.

"Haahaa, that was fucking comedy gold! The way they all went fucking 'pmmpf' as they fell over. Holy fucking shit!"

"Well, Ike and Yamauchi will probably somehow think it was a dream, because I, of all people, got praised by you."

"Hmm, hmm. And Sudou and Horikita"

"...Don't know, don't care."

"Ahh... well, it was fucking worth it!"

She looks over.

"By the way, Ayanokouji-kun... I've been meaning to ask, how did you come up with the idea of buying test points?"

"...I asked nic-"


This girl... I sigh.

"...On our first day of school, Chabashira-sensei said that you can buy anything on school grounds with points."

"...Ehh.. Wouldn't you just think that that's referring to stores and such?"

"The speech was obviously scripted, and there were other hints as well, so I took it literally."

"Other hints?"

"'The amount of money is a reflection of your worth.' 'You have already been alotted 100,000 points this month.' These were hinting at our class' point allocations fluctuating."

"Wow... You're really smart, Ayanokouji-kun!"

"I'm just attentive." She pouts.


"Ayanokouji-kun..." She got up to leave, but stopped midway.


"Would you mind... eto... Could I... ah..."

She's back to her high pitched voice. She turns back towards me.

"C-Could I stay the night?" She blurts out, and then turns red.

"A-ah..- I mean-"

"Sure, Kushida."

"Ehh?!" I would imagine she is stressed after micromanaging multiple groups of people during the midterms. While I don't understand why she requests this of me, It may help her, which is... probably a good thing.

I can't feel caring towards her, as I can't feel in general. But I imagine this is a kind gesture.

"I could go purchase a tatami mat."

"No! Er- I mean, you're low on points, aren't you? We can... share... the..." She turns even redder at the implications.

"Are you sure, Kushida?"

"I-I'm sure..."

"Well, if you're fine with it." I get up and turn off the lights. We both walk over to and stand in front of the bed.

This is...



...quite awkward.

"I'll... get in first." I climb onto the bed, and lay down as far towards the wall as I can. Facing the wall. I hear some shuffling noises, and suddenly, Kushida wraps her arm around my torso.


"Let me... stay like this please." She tightens her hold. Her... body pressing into me is rather noticeable, but I am still incapable of feeling anything.

I hold her hand, and her breath hitches, but she says nothing. We eventually drift into sleep.


738 words

they did not do it

this chapter is not to distract you from my procrastination on writing the trial trust me on this one

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