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"What the fuck would I-" he stopped himself "actually, you can be of use"
He began to give me a toothy grin.


He walked over to me. "Would you like to speak again?"

I was confused.
I.......I don't understand the question.

"Would it you, or would you not like to be able to speak physically again?" He crouched next to me.

I looked back at him through the bars.

I mean.... I guess.... Would be wierd at first. But the pain is too much.

"Fine. Let me rephrase. I will feed you, you eat my victims, earn me more money"

I did miss being able to eat, and if it meant I had somewhere to stay outside of the pit then I didn't mind. Plus, it has been 15 years and I didn't know how things worked now in IMP city.
But now was the issue of the pain.

But how are we going to get these stitches out?

"Show me" Striker commanded.

I slowly opened my mouth slightly. I felt the immense pulling on my lips trying to close my mouth again and it stung. I started breathing heavily in pain.

"I see what you mean with sharp teeth" He watched the thick black strings stretching.

I closed my mouth and sighed of relief before blacking out again.


Waking up, I had another migraine and blood on my face.

Striker was sat as his desk. Something felt different.

What happened?.....what did you do? Did you actually shoot me again-

I stood up as he walked towards me.
"Congratulations darlin. You can talk now" He announced.

I slowly stretched out my mouth. In agony as my jaws hadn't moved for over a decade. Wincing, I stretched, licking my lips and teeth, an unfamiliar feeling.

"...Hi~" my voice was barely a whisper. I was going to have to get used to this.

He looked down at me "you don't sound like I imagined you to"

How did you imagine me to sound?

"Like you do in my head" Striker had a different look on his face, not as vicious as before "like an echo"

"...Thank you~" I whispered, my voice already feeling slightly strained.

Why didn't he just cut them before and let me be in pain? It confused me but I wasn't complaining.

I could taste my blood and he gave me a glass of water. Which I drunk slowly, trying not to move my saw lips.

"Now, don't be annoying and I'll feed you" He told me.

I nodded in agreement.

"I have a client waiting, our victim had murdered their sister beating her to death in an abusive relationship" His expression was angry, it made me feel slightly happy, knowing this 'merciless killer' had his morals .

"She wants the most painful death and she'll double the reward, but she wants proof. I told them I had something....or someone... in mind, the client wants to witness, because £600,000 isn't a little amount of money to waste"  Striker explained.
I looked over at the looked door that had banging and screaming coming from it.

How high is she willing to go?

"Well.... Do you have something in mind?" He had wide eyes, not expecting me to help out much.

Well, we know she wants a physically painful death, how about a mentally painful one too?

We exchanged toothy grins.

Striker called in the client and in walked a woman. She was pretty, but obviously had been crying, she looked over at me wearily, probably had never seen a phantom.

She jumped when I began talking telepathically.

As you can probably tell, I'm the thing that people go to after saying their goodbyes. Now, for the right price, I will be able to torture this fool mentally, physically or both.

"H-how much are we talking?" She looked at me and Striker.

"8-" Striker began.

£950,000, it takes a lot out of me Yknow, if you've got a picture or a video of your sister, I'll make sure her face is the last thing he sees.

I watched a smile appear on Strikers face as I added more than double what he was thinking.
Her eyes widened "how?"
I made her imagine me outside of the cage and a clone of herself in with me.
She shivered. " I've never seen anything like that"

She hesitated for a minute "sold"
I watched as she and Striker both began counting the money.

However, I'd stand back if I was you, away from the cage. Feeding puts my into a.....frenzy of sorts.

The woman nodded and stood back after showing me a video of the girl and a photo after the 'incident'. Her sister looked horrendous, bruised and bleeding, her ear had been partially ripped off and her nose was broken. There was bruises all over her body, not little ones either.

Striker pushed the masked man into my cage and locked it. "Go wild, darlin"

"These fucking women, man. Why do you trust them-" shouted the man.

What's your name, prick

We watched him jump, not expecting me to be in his head. Both Striker and the client could hear me too.
"Oh for fucks sake!" He growled "don't make me kill you too, the last bitch had it coming"

I growled at him. Say that again
"The last. Bitch. Had it coming-"
It enraged me.

Fair enough, I was named as insane. But I hated abusers in every way.

I pulled his hair back and bit his neck, letting him scream out in agony. I tasted his blood and felt the frenzy coming.

The frenzy was like the ultimate steroid for an hour or two. I felt the strength enter my body as my veins turned black under my light grey skin. He screamed out in agony as my teeth sunk into his neck.
I ripped off the mask and made him look into my black and red eyes,

Chase-StrikerXfirst person POVWhere stories live. Discover now