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That's when I head it. The gunshot.

I had blacked out and woken up in great pain and a huge migraine. I winced as i sat up.

Looking around me, still in the cave. I saw the man from before tending to his horse. I saw a bullet covered in blood next to me.

Did he shoot me?

Had the injections actually worn off yet?

I didn't know but the cave with the man didn't necessarily have a comfy feeling and so I stood up and tried to hide.

I heard movement and the horse trotting a little.
"Where'd the dead girl go?" He asked the horse, I sensed confusion.

"How the fuck?..." He looked at the billet on the floor, I watched from a distance, trying to make as little noise as possible.

I watched the horse begin sniffing at the floor, following my trail.


I tried to look for an escape but I was cornered in large rocks, I could get out without him spotting me.

I noticed he wasn't wearing the purple belt now and so I decided to make them both hallucinate me trying to make a run for the exit.

The man began to run after the hallucination, before throwing a lasso, which, of course, went straight through it.

He began to laugh. "Where are you?"
I didn't like this tone of voice.

I bet you're wondering how I'm still alive

"Well fucking obviously, i shot you in the head" he replied, looking for me. The horse was getting pretty close to finding me.

My powers are all to do with fucking with the mind, how do you know I'm not tricking that little pony of yours. Or maybe I'm not even real and I'm in your head.

"I just know, alright?!" He shook his head aggressively, trying to get me out.

That was adorable, gotta admit, usually I see hounds doing that, not scaley little imbeciles like yourself.

"You dead!" He threatened, angrily again.

But I'm not though am I?

I started to laugh.

Suddenly, he was standing over me. "You're a real pain in my ass, darlin. But these powers of yours are something else"

You what?!

I was more confused than ever, he wasn't a phantom. How the fuck did he manage to make me see shit?!

He grabbed me by my arms and dragged me to a cage. He threw me in and my head hit the floor.

I was beyond confused. How was that even happening.

"This is some real mind fuckery shit" he told me, slamming the cage door.

Suddenly, I was seeing 10 of him, stood all around me. I looked around to find which ones was him.

"Annoying isn't it?" He smirked, proud of himself

Well, by the sound of it, I'd say you're jealous.

I watched as his smirk turned into a snarl and his 9 other look-a-likes disappeared

Oooo that struck a nerve didn't it?

"Says the bitch that won't talk" he hissed.

Who would wanna talk to a pesky little lizard like you?-

He leant through the bars of the cage and wrapped his arm around my throat. I'm guessing he took offence to this. I tried to scratch at his arms but when I don't ever usually have to engage in combat, I wasn't very strong and he didn't budge.

You can't kill me

"Not yet" he growled before throwing me away.

I fell to the floor and gasped for air

So, what's your plan then, princess? We both know I'll end up driving you and that pony of yours just as insane as me.

"He's not a damned pony!" He growled. "You can stay in this cage"

Now that I didn't have to fear death anymore, I didn't mind it so much.

Okay but it's freezing, you got anything? I'm probably gonna be here for a while. May aswell get comfy.

In the pits, the dressed us in very minimal clothing, just thin rags covering my boobs and feminine area.
He rolled his eyes "I fucking hope not... and I ain't giving you shit-"

If you don't then I won't shut up. And taping my mouth shut won't exactly do much.

He sighed angrily and threw his jacket in the cage with me. I quickly put it on, shivering. His white jacket was warm from him wearing it and very oversized on me, I held the end up the sleeves with my fingers and wrapped it around me as I sat in the corner in the fetal position.

The jacket had his scent on it and as much as I hate to admit it, it was nice. Which was something I wasn't used to. I can't understand how the scent made me feel warm, but it did.

"Im guessing that's why they tried to shut you up" he said under his breath.


He stared through the cage at me "So, what is it? Some sort of spell?"

Wrong. They were stitched. They got tired of me talking....and biting.

"Stitched?" He raised his eyebrow "and why'd you bite?"

My, my you do love to learn. Yes, they're stitched from the inside. Believe me, I have tried to cut them, but cannot bare the pain. Biting was my only source of self defence at the age of 6. And let's just say, after not being fed for about 2 weeks, the imps and the guards don't taste that bad. See, my teeth are alot sharper in comparison to any other imp, I could nearly bite through anything, including bone.

I sniggered at him cringing.
He sat down at a desk with some papers, I'm guessing it was notes about his bounties so he could keep track of us easier.
"So when did they do that?" He asked.

When I was about 7 .... What's you name anyway?

"Striker, you?"

Kyofusho, means phobia. Not many people know that.

"You're quite the mystery aren't you?" Striker told me "I'll call you Kai, just be easier"

Fine by me. You happen to have any imps laying around by any chance?

My stomach was growling, as a child, I'd eat the imps they brought me, after adapting, I could feed from fear and their blood. But I don't know what Striker was afraid of.

Chase-StrikerXfirst person POVWhere stories live. Discover now