11.Ambitious Ties : Nurturing Careers in Maternal Harmony

Start from the beginning

No crying matahsree. You know Ruhi hate tears said Ruhi dramatically and pecked her cheeks

Aarohi smiled happily and that was the time when a phone call came and she need to leave for hospital. Aarohi gave an apologitic look to Ruhi and left with smile when Ruhi gave her thumbs up happily.

In the hospital corridors, she strides with a stern demeanor, a portrait of professionalism in her white coat. Her strict doctor facade commands respect, but behind closed doors and within the circle of colleagues, a softer side emerges. A woman of compassion, she harbors a genuine fondness for her team, revealing a warmth that contrasts the clinical exterior she wears in the demanding world of medicine.

Dr.Riddhi i didn't expect this type of mistakes from my best team said Aarohi sternly glaring her

Dr.Aarohi i am sorry replied Dr.Riddhi lowering her head

Your simple sorry won't bring back someones life you need to be serious lashed out Aarohi angrily

Dr.Aarohi i am really sorry. It was my mistake i accept it. Please forguve me this time i promise i wont let this happen eber again. Dr.Aarohi please i had worked really hard to rech upto here please cried Dr.Riddhi holding Aarohi's hand

Aarohi looked at her and her demeanour soften a little. She went back in the time when she was once in place of Dr.Riddhi begging forgiveness for her mistake but she was thrown out without a second chance. She knows how it feels when someone snatch away the white coat and license for which they had spent their entire night without a blink of sleep.

This time i am letting it go but rember one more mistake and i am shifting you to intern team said Aarohi sharply

Dr.Riddhi nodded and left while Aarohi went for surgeries.

Escaping to saturday night

Aarohi: Ruhi! Any exciting plans for this lazy Sunday?

Ruhi: Yo Matashree! Well, thinking of starting the day with a cozy brunch at that new cafe with the cute pastries. What do you say?

Aarohi: Ok, sounds good. Any specific dish you have your eyes on?

Ruhi: Definitely trying their special brunch platter - a bit of everything. And, of course, a bottomless cup of coffee to keep the day buzzing. Whats say?

Aarohi: Perfect choice! After our brunch adventure, we could switch things up and dive into the art scene. There's this contemporary art gallery downtown showcasing some vibrant and unconventional pieces.

Ruhi: That sounds like a fantastic idea! A mix of brunch indulgence and cultural exploration.

Aarohi: Do you have a favorite artist or style you're hoping to see?

Ruhi: Not really, just going in with an open mind. Who knows, we might discover something new and intriguing!

Aarohi: ok done! A Sunday filled with good food and art - it's shaping up to be a day to remember.

Ruhi: Right? Can't wait, Matashree! It's been a while since we had one of these laid-back Sundays.

Aarohi: Agreed. Let's make the most of it. Looking forward to our Sunday escapade, Ruhi!

Ruhi: Yo matashree


Aarohi went inside the house only to see Ruhi lazily sitting on and watching her movie

Ruhi called Aarohi

Yo matashree replied Ruhi with a smile

What do you want to eat asked Aarohi looking at her

I had already prepared the food replied Ruhi looking at her

And may i know the reason asked Aarohi sitting on couch

I just wanted my matashree to relax and be stress free for a while replied Ruhi sweetly

I know you Ruhi now tell me why this all preparations asked Aarohi looking at her

Matashree called Ruhi with puppy eyes

Now Aarohi knew Ruhi will demand something.

I want to go to Udaipur for the fashion designing course said Ruhi with her puppy eyes

No need your company is already in top so no need of further courses. If you want i can send you in any part of this world except Udaipur came an immediate reply from Aarohi

Matashree please said Ruhi showing her puppy eyes

You haven't been away from me for a day and you want to go to Udaipur. The place where we lost our everything Ruhi asked Aarohi looking at her intensly

Yes matashree please said Ruhi

Ruhi why Udaipur why not here asked Aarohi worriedly

They are providing lots of facilities and courses over there are by international brands replied Ruhi

Udaipur is a big no for me Ruhi Shekhawat get in into your head said Aarohi angrily and left

Aarohi hesitates about Ruhi visiting Udaipur, haunted by memories of her own painful experiences there years ago. Aarohi fears history might repeat itself, subjecting Ruhi to the same emotional turmoil she endured in that city. Aarohi suppresses her personal insecurities, prioritizing Ruhi's career, and decides to support Ruhi's growth by sending her for a fashion designing course in Udaipur.

Yo Ruhi called Aarohi with a smile but her smile dims seeing Ruhi sitting on her bed with teary eyes holding Fashion designing form

Aarohi moves towards her and fills the form and smiles looking at her. Ruhi looks at her Matashree for a moment and jumps on her

Ruhi shouts Aarohi as they both fall on the ground brusting in a huge laughter

Aarohi looks at Ruhi fondly and pecks her forehead.

You are going for a month in 2 weeks so lets plan a mother daughter trip says Aarohi looking at Ruhi

Sure matashree replies Ruhi pecking her cheeks

Next day Aarohi finishes her works and instructs her team everything and leaves for Masoori. Unaware about the fact the past shadow is gonna haunt them again

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