Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

I was able to see someone in the far corner. I don't know if they can see me. I creep down the machine line and hide. I make myself small as I curl in on myself. I bite my lip till it bleeds.

I hear footsteps walking around near me. I hated this feeling. I feel a burst of sadness in me. They wouldn't have done this if they remembered me. I try not to cry or make any noises.

When I think the coast is clear, I slip out. I head out the side door and creep to the stairs. It's still dark in here but my eyes are adjusting. I slip into the observation room. I get on my knees and crawl to the big open window.

I peer out from the bottom corner. I can see the whole main part of the factory. I don't see anything but snow on the ground. Suddenly, I feel this prickling feeling at the back of my neck. Like someone is watching me. I spin around and before I know it, I'm pinned down. My eyes try to adjust but they cover my eyes with their hand.

I make this noise that sounds pathetic. The person above me laughed, and it sounded familiar. When they talk, it sounds like multiple voices talking at once.

"I finally caught you, Y/N." They sound so familiar but at the same time, I don't. I knew who it was, in theory.

"Zalgo," I say softly. The body shifts above me and laughs again.

"You were always so smart, Y/N." The voice mockingly comes at me.

"Why are you doing this?" I blurt out and try to get free.

I still can't see and I can feel them tighten their hold on me. I want to cry so bad, but I need answers.

"This is just war, and you got caught in the middle." They say as they laugh like this was all some fun for them.

"But it's more than that. Because I hate you, Y/N." I shift a bit, confused at what they said. Why does that sound familiar? "You're a pain in my side. Imagine my surprise that you end up being the soulmate to those pathetic losers."

Zalgo growls like he's annoyed. They shift above me, more pressure applied to where they hold me down.

"I should kill you, but I want to send a message." Zalgo mutters softly, "Let's confuse them more."

Before I can respond, a pain so strong overtook me. There's this burning in my stomach. Zalgo is still holding me, but I don't know what's going on. I start to cry and beg him to stop.

"Not yet," Zalgo tightens his hold on me. The pain subsides but then it flares out more. Trailing up the sides of my ribs. I groan and start to wiggle away.

Zalgo's hold on me disappears and some of the pain fades. My eyes blink open, and I'm alone. I sit up and I see my shirt stained with blood. There's blood dripping down me and splattering down on the floor.

I struggle to get up, and it's a fight. I groan in pain, it's like a deep aching pain. Once I'm up, I make my way downstairs. Walking down the steps was agonizing. My blood keeps dripping everywhere and I almost slip.

When I get down to the main floor, I walk out to the main door. When I get closer, I hear banging and yelling. I open the door and I see Masky and Hoodie.

Masky yanks me out of the doorway and I yelp in pain as I fall into him. "Why are you covered in blood?" Masky demands as he yanks up my shirt. He stops in surprise. Hoodie comes up and stares at it too.

"What?" I ask weakly, I could feel more blood ooze out. I look down but I can't make out anything.

"Why is Zalgo's mark carved into your skin?" Masky asks with this calmness that scared me.

I open my mouth to answer but I guess the pain finally caught up to me. I slant forward and fall into Masky's arms as I fall unconscious.

Teddy hated me. I realize that now, that day in the cemetery was how he truly felt. I didn't chalk it up to him being drunk and didn't mean it. Our dad drinks but he never hurts us. Being drunk just lowers your inhibitions and makes you more truthful with your thoughts and actions.

Teddy never apologized but the treatment I got from him got worse. One day, after school, I confronted him.

"Teddy?" I ask softly as he walks into the kitchen.

"What?" He grunts out aggravated.

"Do you hate me?" I ask nervously as I play with my fingers.

Teddy smirks and turns to me. Teddy walks over to me and pushes me back. I stumble back into the wall in surprise.

"I hate you so bad that I could kill you," Teddy says and strokes my cheek mockingly. "I hate everything about you! Your sweetness, your kindness, and your heart."

I flinch as he suddenly grabs my throat. "You don't deserve the air you breathe." Teddy then lets go of me and steps back. "But you're not worth it, Y/N. I have big plans for you, and I can't wait to act on them."

Teddy grabs his cup and walks upstairs. I sink to the floor and cry.


My eyes blink open and I'm in the living room of the main creepypasta house. I reach out to touch my stomach and I feel a gauze on it. I look down and see I'm shirtless with only the gauze and my bra covering me. I blush and look around. My eyes meet L.J. He squints at me and walks over to me.

"We all felt your pain," L.J. mumbles softly, as he throws a blanket over me.

"Slendy searched your mind from when you were in the factory with Zalgo. I guess it is true, you are our soulmate." E.J. announces as he comes in. I try to sit up but L.J. holds my shoulders down. "Don't get up." E.J. snaps and runs a hand through his hair in aggravation.

"What's going on?" I ask confused as I relax back on the couch.

"Zalgo is here." E.J. snaps and clenches his fist. "What's his deal? It's like he's a step ahead of us. You said, that we don't remember our time together with you before your injury?" E.J. asks impatiently as he grabs me.

I yelp and let him drag me down the hallway. L.J. curses behind us and follows.

"We're gonna have to act fast. If Zalgo gets you again, I think he'll kill you. Zalgo's main target is you, it's why you're always in some position of pain." E.J. states as he leads me to the back of the house.

"Why?" I ask confused, my sides ache at the speed he's yanking me.

"I'm not sure. He hates you so badly, that he did all these things to you," E.J. says as he yanks open the door.

We're in Slendy's office, all the others are here as well. I peek at their faces, and I feel like maybe this is the part where we get the truth.

Zalgo seems to have been in this town for a while. I think longer than we have.

Slendy's voice was heard in all our heads. I rub at the ache in my head.

"I don't know how to explain this. Zalgo was in the creepypasta world and here at the same time," Toby explains. "Zalgo subconsciously split himself and was here spreading chaos. I think he finally merged himself as one."

"I don't understand how that works," Jeff snaps at Toby.

"It's simple, Zalgo sent a part of himself here. Zalgo latched on to somebody. I think whoever he latched on to, they both merged everything. They both have personal feelings about us and her." Toby better explains to us, "Whoever it is, must be close to Y/N."

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