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"Minho, can you turn down the fucking tv? I'm trying to do my homework."

My heart sinks with the way he talks to me. He's been irritable for the past week and hasn't mentioned anything. It's getting on my nerves and making me more emotional.

"Can you not talk to me like that? Don't be an asshole. You could've asked nicely," I talk back, trying to keep my cool.

Seriously, what the hell is up with him?

"You see me trying to get my shit done. Whatever. I'm going to the room." He storms off with his laptop and book.

I scoff, clenching my jaw. It's never been like this before. At first, I waved it off as him being stressed. I tried asking and he ignored me. College is stressful; I know that. Him acting this way isn't right. I shouldn't be on the receiving end of his stress or anger.

I wish I had someone to talk to. I don't talk much to the others unless it involves Jisung. Should I reach out? I feel like I've been a bad friend. Do they even like me? What if we broke up? They'd obviously choose Jisung.

I shake my head. These thoughts are ridiculous. Of course they care about me. Some of us were friends before Ji and I started talking. Yeah, my friends are closer to Jisung now, but does that matter?


No, it's whatever. We both have our friends. I can talk to them. I just... why won't I? I hate talking about my issues or stressors. It's not like I can't handle it. I'm an adult. It'll be fine.


I walk out of my class, barely noticing our time was up. Students fill the halls, rushing to get to another building for their next class or some taking it slow because it was their last of the day.

"Minho! Hey."

I turn around, surprised when Changbin comes up to me. I forgot he went here, but he's not usually around this building. His major takes him to the other side.

"Oh, hey, Bin. What's up?"

"Sung said you'd be over here so I thought I'd come see you. You're not much of a texter and I feel like we haven't talked in a bit."

You're not my friend. You're his.

Shut up. He is my friend.

"Yeah, sorry. A lot of different schedules and whatnot. I'll try texting more often. Our group chat has been dead lately."

He smiles awkwardly. "Yeah, I know. It sucks. I really miss you guys. I hate that we're always so busy and far from each other."

I look down at my feet. "Me too. It's... depressing. I miss being together."

I knew things were going to change, but it hurts just as much. God, what is going on with me? I was fine last year.

"How have you been? How's living with the monster of a boyfriend?" He chuckles.

Talk to him. He's giving me an opportunity to open up. Be honest about what's been going on. Tell him how Jisung's attitude is affecting you.

"I, um..."

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