Seeker and Cerburs

Start from the beginning

[Aster and Daphne spoke to the teacher about her incompetence.] "You are a witch use your wand, why aren't you casting a spell to help her? Aren't you supposed to be a teacher?"

Both Daphne and Aster are asking great questions. Why is she not doing her job said Athena and Apollo

 AHH! Whoa! AHHH!! [Zooms past a statue of a man with a sharp spear. Natalie's cloak catches on it. She has flipped off the broom and hangs there.] Oh .... Help! [she wavers, then the cloak rips through the spear, and she falls. But her cloak catches on a torch, making Natalie slip off from her cloak seconds later and fall to the ground.] Ahhh!

Everyone out of the way said, Madam Hooch! She runs through to the group, and they scatter. [The group of friends running up to her to check on her as well]: come on, get up.

Is she alright?" said Hermione. [She asked Hooch before turning towards Natalie.] Are you alright, Natalie?

[Hooch is helping Natalie up; she has broken her wrist after she fell.]

Ouch! Natalie cried in pain.

OH, Oh, Oh, Dear. It's a broken wrist. Tch. Good girl, come on now. Draco reaches down and grabs Natalie Remembrall, which has fallen from her. [Hooch begins to lead Natalie away from the group.] Everyone should keep their feet firmly on the ground while taking Ms. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves outside of Hogwarts before they can say, Quidditch. [She leaves for the hospital wing.]

"What a stupid decision! Who is in the right mind to leave students unattended?" said Demeter.

Many agreed with her.

Did you see her face? Draco [sinkers]. Maybe if the fat lump had squeezed this, she would have remembered to fall on her fat arse.

It seems you got your manners from Lucy," Sirius said to Draco.

That is rude saying it to a girl yelled Caroline.

He and Pansy Parkinson laugh; Aster approaches him. She will not stand for someone insulting her friends.

Go, my Bambi, cub, pub show him what you got. Yelled James, Remus, and Sirius.

Yeah show them sunshine yelled Kol as well.

Give the Remembrall, Malfoy. said Aster

No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. [He hops on his broom and soars around the group, wobbling slightly on his broom, then through the group.] How about the group? [He soars off and hovers several feet above the ground.] What's the matter, Potter? But, beyond your reach? said Darco

"Never challenge a Potter!" yelled Remus and Lily with a slight groan.

Finally, she had enough of him. Aster gets on her broom, and Hermione stops her.

Aster, no! You heard what Madam Hooch said! Besides, you don't even know how to fly. says Hermoine

Aster flies off to face Draco, ignoring her ranting friend.

"What an idiot!" sighed Hermoine

Aster is now in the air, across from Draco.

The story of Aster Ioanthe PotterWhere stories live. Discover now