015: cinema visit across the globe

Start from the beginning

"Because nobody can kill me, silly! Anyways, you guys have the whole day tomorrow. So kill, kill, kill!"

The yellow teacher handed both of them each an anti-sensei knife before giggling.

"..So as I said, it can become a little annoying today. But don't worry, I won't let any of that affect your lesson." Karasuma calmly explained to his students as they sat Infront of him on the sports field, ready for their PE-lesson.

"Karasuma!~ You work soo hard, I bet you're thirsty!" Irina ran towards them with a sweet smile on, holding a cup of tea. Her shirt seemed to be extra deep cutten today.

"Why don't you greet me like this, princess?" Karma jokingly mumbled to the brunette next to him while smirking, making her hit his arm.

"Shut up idiot!"

The rest of their class smiled sheepishly, everyone thinking the exact same thing.
She definitely poisoned it.


During all of that going on over the course of the day, one specific duo felt thrilled as they heard their teacher talk with isogai. The class was empty mostly, everyone having headed home already.
Nagisa and karma were talking and mina was packing her stuff, isogai was obviously talking to his teacher and kaede was about to head out the door.

"You seem awfully happy today, koro-sensei," The boy smiled as he swung his knife at the comic reading teacher "Is anything important coming up?"

"Well, yes, isogai! I'm going to Hawaii to watch a movie." The teacher explained, holding up his comic that read "super speed 2", as isogai quietly mumbled.

"Sorry, never heard of it." He sheepishly smiled as kaede chimed in, turning around.

"Tell us how it was, koro-sensei!" She waved happily, leaving the classroom as isogai was quick to follow.

That left two boys curious, as one of them decided to quickly follow their teacher, dragging his friend and a particularly annoyed brunette along.

Koro-sensei, about to jump off the ground to fly towards his destination was stopped by a shouting nagisa.

"Koro-sensei, can we please come along?" The blue haired boy asked loudly, making their yellow teacher turn Around, a little surprised.

"Hm? Do you guys like hero movies?" He asked curiously, walking towards them slowly "I didn't think you'd be the type for these movies, mina."

She crossed her arms, sighing before she glared at the red-head next to her.
"I'm not, trust me. I got dragged along"

"Nagisa introduced me to the franchise like, a year ago. I don't like such movies usually, but I like the director and him directing american movies is pretty unusual, so here I am."
Karma smirked before shrugging slightly.

"Can I come too?" Ritsu's excited voice suddenly appeared out of mina's pocket, making her scream a little before getting her phone out.

"Jesus, Ritsu! What are you doing in my phone?" The girl asked quickly, only smiling sheepishly with nagisa as she explained how she wanted to get closer with students.

Koro-sensei clapped his hands, looking at all three (four, counting Ritsu in mina's hand) of his students before scooping them up.

"Well, let's waste no time then!" The yellow octopus stated cheerfully, having now all three under his over smock. Holding karma with his right tentacle, nagisa with his left tentacle and mina with both of their bodies only, who held Ritsu pressed against herself.

"Why exactly am I in the middle?" She asked, panicking before glaring at the red-head next to her again.

"Well, I haven't really thought about the security aspect of all of this before asking..." Karma mumbled, suppressing his smirk at the scared brunette before koro-sensei interrupted both of them.

"Don't worry, my students! I will fly slowly first to make sure you don't get hurt," he started, making himself ready to jump "and let's go!!"

That was, again, one of those times they heard nothing but mina's devastated yell. Nagisa tried to calm her while karma was completely loosing himself on the right, Ritsu was chuckling and Koro-sensei himself just smiled.

"Woah, Hawaii is so pretty!" Ritsu shouted happily as they landed, mina being the first to escape the smock and check herself back into reality.

They all entered the cinema, noticing an icy atmosphere.

"Jesus, it's cold here!" She shivered slightly, letting one hand off of Ritsu to warm herself up.

"Very good observation, mina-chan! They don't have AC's in Hawaii because the Hawaiians usually have really warm weather, so the country just deals with the occasional cold instead of spending a lot of money on technical solutions for this." The teacher explained happily as the group walked into the movie room.

Karma poked the girl's shoulder before handing her his black jacket. She raised her eyebrows as he began smirking, shrugging afterwards.
"What? I'm not cold."

She quieted down, only putting the jacket on as she looked at the ground. It was a bit bigger than what she'd normally wear, obviously, but the extra fabric only warmed up more.

It was weird though, because this somehow felt nice.

They sat down before she shook her head, mentally face-palming herself. He didn't seem bothered by it, so why should she?

Karma, who sat on the left side of mina next to nagisa (who had grabbed Ritsu out of mina's duty and placed her phone inside his upper jacket pockets, luckily), only crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back.
He indeed wasn't bothered by it. He was never the person to feel cold.

... Maybe he even liked it.

Koro-sensei, who sat on the right side of mina, or course noticed his students and quickly pulled out a bright pink blanket with his face plastered on it.

"Don't worry! Your super cool teacher has thought of everything." He grinned dorkily before handing the jacket to nagisa and karma, to which the blue headed boy wrapped himself inside and the red headed one just used the little bit that was free to cover his lap.

Nagisa smiled excitedly as the intro started, his face turning into a concerned one after he realised something.

"But koro-sensei, we're in hawaii. They won't have Japanese subtitles."

"Don't be sad, nagisa-kun. All three of you are very good in English, you know? Irina-sensei told me," He smiled "and besides, take these tentacles and I will translate the unknown words." Koro-sensei handed them each a small tentacle of his to put in their ear, to which mina happily declined.

"Definitely not! I think I will understand it anyhow, koro-sensei. My dad's a westerner. But, uh, thank you." She tried not to seem to mean.

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1730 WORDS

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