Alright one last one for good fun. "Guys, we have to start a Céline Fan Club." Milton Berry aka Grapes, and a first year rookie, yelled though the locker room. "or a Céline Appreciation Society" Of course some douche adds, "I hear they're printing membership cards already." And then Grapes goes in for the final kill. "I'm a huge fan... Mills, will you ask her if she wants to sign my dick- Uhm stick." The whole locker room erupted in laughter and I... Well, I threw a fit. I growled; they winced. I told them this: "I'll allow all this shit when you manage to deliver a better TDR than my girl can. God luck with that, Grapes. Even I'm jealous at that stunner of a slap. So shut the fuck up, Chrissy, Dyl, Bready. Oh and Trudy, you fucking suck for instigating these airheads. Shouldn't talk about another dude's girl like that if you don't want to get in fucking trouble."

They sure will think twice before pissing me off again.

Céline's my lucky charm.

I love watching her in the stands even though I wouldn't blame her if she didn't love watching me out on the ice. We suck. We never lost that many games in a row and it's not even Coach's fault. It's the whole team dynamic that blows. All because our former coach is taunting us in interviews and his new team is on a winning streak. Coach Benson tries, but I don't think the season is salvageable, and neither is the frozen four. Which is why the only thing left for me to do is enjoy hockey as much as I can for as long as it'll last. Because after Harvard hockey, it's probably all over.

My wrist was still hurting form last game and even though I tried to hide it from everybody else Céline noticed. Not even two minutes after walking back to my car after the game she told me to tape it, just in case. I didn't listen, which I why I'm still struggling to tap a decent shot at the net. Mackie, Céline and I are casually skating, trying to have some fun and I thoroughly enjoy watching Céline slap away against the puck.

"Give me hell, Smarty." Mackie's nickname for Céline has quite the ring to it if you ask me. "Come on don't be shy." He better not taunt her too much because she's having a very good day out on the ice.

The boys wouldn't know what hit them if she played with us.

"Are you sure?" Céline chirps at him before winking at me through her visor, that smirk telling me exactly how hot hell will be for Mackie.

"Mackie, watch out. She's going to rip your ego to shreds." I tease him but he stays concentrated on Céline gathering a few pucks, ready for a good slap.

"Alright fine, our man has a dead wish." I shrug at Céline before returning her little wink and tapping my stick into her helmet. "Give him your best baby girl. He asked for it."

She teasingly glances at me with a flustered smirk before returning her gaze to the pucks on the ice.

First one, Mackie doesn't expect it.

Second one, hits the crossbar and goes straight into the net.

Third one, bounces off Mackie's waffle, barely making it past him.

Fourth one, fifth one, sixth one, and then lucky number seven, Mackie doesn't stand a chance.

"Dammit! Smarty!" Mackie yells across the ice while taking off his helmet with a smile. "Mills, tell me. How does it feel to sleep with Gretzky's incarnation? For fuck's sake! Why isn't she playing with us? Beardy and Chrissy don't even slap like that."

"I have been saying." I shrug. "But nobody listens when I say I'm sleeping with a fucking legend in the making." I eye Céline and she's playfully rolling her eyes.

"Don't exaggerate." She says bumping into my shoulder.

"Oh please, you know you're that good." I bounce back, nudging my helmet into hers. "Your work with stella is seriously paying off."

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