Pt. 2

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"Thomas! Jacob! Breakfast is ready!"

I didn't want to go to school. I hated school. Maybe if I pretended to be sick... no. Mom wouldn't believe I had a stomach ache for the third time this month. But then again, I doubt she cared.

"Jacob," Mom said, popping her head around my bedroom door. "Breakfast. I've been calling you."

"Sorry, Ma, I didn't hear you," I lied, yawning and pretending to have just woken up. "Mom, my stomach hurts. I just don't know if I can make it to school today."

"Jacob," she snapped. For a brief moment, I could see the pain in her eyes, still fresh, still raw, as if... never mind. She needed me out of the house.

"I'm healed! Hallelujah!" I cried, jumping out of bed.

"Alright. Get dressed and get your breakfast before you're late," she told me as she left.

I heard her voice echo down the hall as I walked to the kitchen. "Thomas, dear, please eat a little something."

"I'm off to work. Can't be late. Bye, Miriam," my father replied. The door slammed shut and Mom sighed. She entered the kitchen and sat down next to me at the table.

"So, Dad sounds pretty busy," I said.

"Jacob, please don't talk with your mouth full," Mom reprimanded.

I finished my spoonful of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and swallowed. "Sorry. So, Dad sounds pretty busy," I started again.

"Yes, he has been lately."

"Well, if he has too much on his plate, he doesn't have to go to parent-teacher conferences tonight. I totally don't want to stress him out."

"Jacob." Mom glared at me. Shoot. "He's coming to parent-teacher conferences. We both are," she smiled. End of discussion. "I'm sure we'll hear lots of good things. Perfect attendance, excellent grades. " Ok, now she was rubbing it in. "Oh, look at the time. Why don't you get going so you don't get a tardy?"

"Alright. See ya, Ma," I called, stuffing another spoonful of cereal in my mouth and slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Have a nice day," Mom said. "I love you."

I paused at the door. "I love you, too."

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