Chapter 1/1

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Jungkook's Pov

The impulse of skipping school was pulsing through me. I was debating whether I should skip today's class to go to the mall with a couple of friends. I'm tired of either rehearsing or doing school work when I had other things in mind such as enjoying the beautiful day and not having a care in the world.
I gave into the temptation and agreed to go out with my friends Dae-sung and Han-jae. The bell to go to the study room rang throughout the cafeteria. As everyone rushed to the study halls, Dae-sung, Han-jae, and I went into the restroom separately, one-by-one to not seem suspicious.
This feels wrong but so good at the same time. The adrenaline inside of my veins was coursing through viciously. At the moment, I wasn't thinking about the punishment that would follow my actions.
Now that everyone was in the study halls, including the teachers, we rushed to the school entrance and escaped in a swift motion, leaving no traces behind.
I laughed hysterically out loud, not afraid of being caught, "so should we go to the mall?" I asked my friends.
"Yeah. That sounds great. Let me just turn off my GPS on my phone so my parents won't notice." Han-Jae said. I totally forgot about the GPS that the hyungs installed on my phone.
"Thanks for reminding me. I totally forgot about it." I exclaimed, reaching for my phone in my back pocket.
"You have a GPS? I remember you told us that your band members are cool and relaxed with you." Dae-sung pointed out.
"Well, yeah but they still have rules that I have to obey. They're my hyungs after all."
"That's not cool." They said in unison.
"I know." I sadly stated, my eyes casted down at the floor.
"Cheer up. Don't think about them. You better stand your ground. You can't let them mess and boss you around." They tried to cheer me up in their own way.
"You're right. They don't have the right to boss me around. Who do they think they are? My parents?" I agreed with them.
"That is what I'm talking about. You better stand up for yourself." Dae-sung paused for a second before continuing, "okay let's not waste any more time. Let's go." With that, we left off and went to the mall for the remainder of the school day. I hope my hyungs don't ever find out about this or I'm going to have my ass whooped.

Time passes by (Suga's Pov)

I was rummaging through my pants in the drawers. Useless. Useless. Useless. Most of them are all worn out or torn at spots too embarrassing. "Hey Jin-hyung!" I called out. There was silence afterwards. I called out once more. Suddenly, someone opened the door angrily.
"What's with all the yelling, Suga?!" Jin exploded, with a spatula in his hand and sweat beaming on his forehead.
"I just called you to tell you that I'm going to go to the mall to buy me some new pants. Do you have pants that I could borrow for today?"
"Aish brat, that's why you screamed? Yeah, sure. You can borrow one for today." He left my room and I went afterwards to get the pants.
Once I changed, I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water before leaving. That was when I was greeted by the screams and sobbings coming from both J-hope and Jimin.
"Come on Jimin. Please finish the apple-for me." J-hope was on the verge of tears and attempted to put a slice of an apple into Jimin's mouth.
Jimin threw his hands up in the air and the slice of apple flew out of J-hope's hand.
The anger started to simmer inside of me. "Get that disgusting, calorie dense apple out of my face!" Jimin gritted through his teeth, sneering at J-hope's face.
"Jimin-ah, do not talk to your hyung in such a way. Do you hear me?" I warned in a threatening and dangerous tone. I began to unbuckle my belt and noticed that Jimin grew tense.
I was stopped by J-hope who held his hand in a stopping motion. "Don't worry about it hyung. I will deal with him later." I was hesitant, but left it at that and went to the mall to buy myself some pants.

In the mall (still Suga's Pov)

Passing through the food court and smelling the delicious variety of savory selection, I spotted someone that made my blood run cold. I checked my watch on my left hand. 10 am. Is this correct? How could this be? Jungkook is supposed to be at school. Oh, he is so BUSTED??!!
I stomped towards Jungkook, who was giggling with 2 of his friends. "Jungkook-ah! What the hell do you think you are doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school right now?" I demanded an answer in a dangerously low tone.
"Suga-hyung! What are you doing here?" He asked the same question back at me. I huffed out angrily and rolled my eyes annoyed.
"I should be the one asking you!" I gripped his forearm harshly and dragged him a bit, but he was too stubborn to obey me.
"Stop!" He hissed at me angrily, "You always embarrass me!" The last sentence threw me off and I lost all control. Without giving it a second thought, I backhanded him in front of everyone.
My knuckles throbbed from the impact on his cheekbone. He held up his hand onto his cheek and tears were fighting to spill. I grabbed him by his earlobe and dragged him to the car. While I was dragging him out, I heard his friends laughing and snickering secretly but I didn't give a damn about what they were probably saying.
"Owww! Hyungie, you're hurting me really badly!" He whined like a five-year-old kid.
"Shut up! You're in so much trouble. Wait till the others find out!" That seemed to make him panic because he started pleading to not tell them.
I forced him into the passenger seat and went into the car myself too. I turned on the engine and started driving when my phone rang. I accepted the call back.
"Hello Namjoon! What's up?" I asked in a calming tone.
"Where are you? We have to work on our single today! You promised to help me." He reminded me. I slapped myself on the forehead. How can I forget? I groaned.
"I'm on my way. Guess who I found at the mall?"
"Who?" He didn't even attempt to guess.
"Brat Jungkook-ah!"I responded.
"What?! What was he doing there?!" He hollered at the other side of the call.
"Hanging out with his friends in the food court."
"Aish brat! Tell him he's going to get it once he's back home!" Namjoon roared.
"He's already hearing you. Ok, we're on our way." I hanged up. Throughout the whole ride, we were both silent. There was only the sound of soft sniffling.

Back home (Jungkook's Pov)

I opened the entrance door and felt the intense ambience of the house. Namjoon and Seokjin were standing directly in front of me. Namjoon's intense death glare made me shiver in fear and I stepped back slowly, regretting my actions. Not only that, but Seokjin's disappointed look he was giving me pierced my heart.
Taehyung is watching consciously and worriedly, while seated on the couch. Jimin and Hoseok are nowhere to be found. Yoongi must have noticed that I was about to escape the situation because he grabbed my forearm once again.
"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" Yoongi shouted furiously. I whimpered in response. I tugged back my arm, but his grip was too strong.
"What were you thinking, Jungkook-ah? I thought we taught you better!" Namjoon raised his hand, but was halted by Seokjin.
"Let's hear him out first, Namjoon." Seokjin calmly stated, "So, Jungkook explain yourself."
"Well... I-I was at school and-" I stuttered nervously, avoiding eye contact with my hyungs.
"Get straight to the case!" Namjoon hollered.
"I was at school and my friends suggested me to go to the mall and I went." I simply said.
"So you rather listen to those good-for-nothing friends than your own hyungs!" Seokjin butted in.
"Shut up, you good-for-nothing hyu-" I hissed back without a second thought. BAD DECISION! Because once that sentence slipped out of me, Namjoon backhanded me with his knuckles that made my cheek throb.
"You will not disrespect Seokjin-hyung or you are going to get it, do you hear me?" Our leader threatened, but his threats had no impact on me.
"I hate you! Get out of my face!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and stormed off into my room. I heard several harsh footsteps behind me.
"Hey, come back here, Jungkook-ah! Do not run away from us!" Seokjin yelled.
I slammed the door with all my strength, but the door swung back open a second later.
Namjoon took a hold of my wrist and turned me to face him, "what's going on? You have been rebelling against us lately." Seokjin asked worriedly in a softer tone.
"I want to have some fun for once in a while without thinking about dance practice or school. What's so wrong about that? Besides, you're not my parents. You don't have the right to boss me around. You guys are so annoying!" I ranted furiously as I raised my voice.
"Jin-hyung, bring me the belt." Namjoon said, giving me a serious, death glare.
Jin nodded sadly and went off to get it, "Right on it." My eyes widened. I felt goosebumps scatter throughout my body. I was terrified of the thought of Namjoon giving me a spanking. As if it felt forever, Jin came back with the belt in his hand. He handed it to our leader.
"Hyungie! Please, I wasn't thinking! I'm sorry for disrespecting you! I stuttered and was backing up behind when I was halted by the bunk bed.
"I accept your apology," he paused. Hearing that gave me some sense of relief, "but that doesn't get you out of the punishment. You must understand that skipping school and giving your hyungs attitude is unacceptable."
He sat down at the desk beside him and patted his thighs."Come and lay over my thighs."
"No." I disobeyed once again out of fear of getting whipped. In my opinion, Namjoon and Yoongi are the harshest in giving punishments rather than the others.
"Come over here! Or do you want Yoongi to be the one to spank you?" He hissed, which made me shudder. I shook my head fast. I didn't see a way out of this one, so I obeyed and went on with it. I walked slowly towards and once I was a few feet away from him, he dragged me down. Jin left the room before the punishment began.
Being on my knees, sprawled on his thighs, he pulled down my pants along with my trousers. "Bare?" I whimpered nervously, the first few tears trickled down my cheeks.
"Of course!" He bent the belt and raised up in the air.
"How many hyungie?" He ignored me and the first swat came in contact right under my left cheek. I shifted around and he held me tight onto my waist with his other hand.
"Will you stay still?"
SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. Each whip came one after the other without any break.
"Hyungie, please I'm sorry! It's burning!" I yelped in pain.
"Jungkook-ah, shut up! It's only going to be 15 more." Namjoon responded. I shut my eyes and made myself most comfortable to the pain that I'm about to endure.
"Tell me, why are you getting spanked, Jungkook?" Hyung asked me at the worst moment possible when my ass was aching and was basically on fire.
"I skipped school and gave attitude to my hyungie!" The ten smacks were thrown down afterwards. The spanks made me a crying mess.
"It's over now. No need to cry." He said in a soothing tone. I got up from his lap and pulled up my pants and trousers. I winced, rubbing my ass carefully. I was sniffing like crazy and didn't dare to make eye contact with Namjoon.
He got up from the desk and went to bed. "Come here." He invited me into his embracive arms. I slowly went to him and got into his arms and curled up into a ball like a baby.
"I'm sorry hyung for being disrespectful. I don't know why but I've been feeling moody lately." I began to cry again.
"It's okay. I forgive you Jungkook baby. And you're just acting like a teen. Just keep in mind that we're your hyungs. I don't like to spank you but I do it out of love so you learn what's correct and what's not" I nodded and closed my eyes, I drifted off to sleep in his warm, big arms.

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