🌟2. Pretty stars pretty you🌟

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AN: just another reminder the underline and in italics means voices/things others has said but the character is quoting them
This chapter is somewhat short in a way hope you enjoy!!

(Jisung POV)


I turned to see the stranger. He was so handsome. His eyes seemed to hold such light in the darkness. It was a shade of dark black coffee. The moonlight was shining in his eye.  It looked like  a dash of cream in the coffee. His skin is so shiny,as if it was made of the moonstone itself.he must have taken good care of it because it left me speechless.

He wasn't much taller than I was,maybe 173 cm. I felt my face get hot as I looked at his lips. They looked so pretty too. He looked unreal. I was snapped back into reality as he spoke again.

"Your not committing suicide too are you? The stars are too pretty and bright for that, don't you think so? Pretty boy?"

My face got hot once again as I heard him call me pretty boy. I wasn't pretty, I was average. I had chubby cheeks and lanky limbs. My stomach felt weird. I felt butterflies? Then it hit me he said "suicide too" he was also committing suicide?

"D-did you say too?" I couldn't believe I was stuttering.

"I did." I felt him grab my wrist as he pulled me off the edge of the cliff. I started to blush even more, a hot drop dead gorgeous gay was holding my wrist. I completely forgot the sting pain I felt as he pulled me off. Definitely sent me into a small gay panic

"Omg im so sorry I didn't even ask if I could do that I'm sorry-" before he could keep apologizing I cut him off. I giggled a bit before responding

"It's okay your good" he smile when he heard me

"You have a pretty smile. I would live to see it again. I'm glad I stopped you this world definitely needs that smile of yours" his voice was calming I felt the loneliness and coldness disappear

"T-thank you" I felt myself do that stupid smile again then I remember him saying he was also here to kill himself

"Wait you were here to end your life as well why did you stop me? I need to stop you too! Talk to me about what's wrong. Since you stopped me I'mma stop you" I was rambling a bit

"That pretty face of yours definitely makes me rethink my decision. How about you talk to me you were the one here first"

"Well.. How do I say this" I felt his hand pull me off the cliff and to the sand. We sat on a rock looking out to the sea. He took his hand and wiped my tear away

"It's okay take your time" he moved closer to me and he was gentle and patient as he waited for me to speak

"Can I rub your back? it helps you calm down" he seemed somewhat scared to touch me I didn't say anything but just nodded my head

"So what's on your mind tonight? Why did you come here?" he started to rub my back and looked out to the ocean and stars

"For your second question this is my favorite place. I come here during the night to think things through I guess." I signed as I looked at where he was looking and back at him.

His side profile was so handsome. His hair was a darkish shade of brown. The more I admired him the more insecure I felt. I may have leaned away until he pulled me back closer by my waist. He removed his hand back to my back as he started to comfort me again. I missed being held and comforted. It was nice.

"It's okay, I know my looks might be intimidating. I'm not scared right now I'm just trying to take mine and your mind off of things. Talk to me okay?"

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