"So, what's our next step?" Eight asked.

Diego took a sip from his glass of whiskey. "Well, now that you're in Sin Nombre just like we wanted, you should get the trust of your members first."

"That's easy. Jeno easily believed my made up story of my past." Eight chuckled.

"Oh, he's not that easy, Eight." Diego warned. "He could act like he believes you but he might be searching for something about you. He won't stop at just stories, he's a man who needs evidence to believe."

"He won't find any of that. I don't have a past at all." She drank from her glass.

"Eight doesn't have a past. But Haera does. So, make sure that you keep her a secret." The boss whispered and gave her a wink.

Eight looked away, uncomfortably crossing her legs.

"You know what? Come here." Diego called.

"Why?" Eight asked, her eyebrows meeting.

"You don't look like you just got tortured in questioning. You need a little bruise on your face." Diego said, examining Eight.

Eight stood up and placed a hand on her waist. "You're really going to punch m—?" Without any warning a fist landed on Eight's face. She hissed in pain until another fist met her left cheek.

"There you go." Diego smiled.

Eight bit her lip and wiped the blood coming out of her nose and lip. "You could've warned me first!" She exclaimed in anger.

"I'm helping you out here. Now, you look like a princess waiting to be saved by your Jeno." Diego laughed.

"You're a psycho." Eight whispered, rolling her eyes.

"We're the same." Diego whispered and grabbed her by the hair. Eight quickly grabbed his wrist trying to pull him away. "Now, I'm going to release you out of my father's shitty office. Behind that door will be Jeno and the others. Act all hurt and in pain, just make them believe that I fucked you up." And with that, Eight was being dragged by Diego towards the door. She was trying to get away with Diego's hard grip on her.

When the door opened, the two was immediately greeted by Jeno, Mark, Lucas, Mia and the newly questioned Jaehyun. Diego smirked upon seeing the shocked faces of the members.

"Holy shit, Eight." Mark whispered under his breath.

"Eight!" Mia interjected in fear.

"Let go of me." Eight said, her teeth once again gritted. But Diego did not listen, he gripped her by the hair tighter. Eight shut her eyes closed.

"What did you do?" Jeno asked the boss, locking his eyes with him. Diego replied with a bigger grin on his face.

"And why should I answer you?" Diego tilted his head. "It seems you aren't performing well as a leader, Jeno. Can't control your members now? Your bitch right here needs a little manner lesson." He said as he pulled Eight's hair once more and kicked her from behind.

Eight's knees met the floor, her hair still being gripped by Diego. Blood was dripping down her face and bruises from the electric chair were starting to form. Jeno quickly noticed her bruises and instantly knew what happened.

"Release her." Jeno warned, anger building up in his core. His eyes darkened, locking it with Diego.

"But I'm still enjoying." Diego smiled.

"Release. Her." Jeno commanded once more.

"You think you can command me just like that? Do you want me to remind you of your place?" Diego laughed. Fear grew in Mark, Mia, and Lucas. It was the laugh that could be heard from Diego whenever he does something awful.

"Please. Release her. She's my team." Jeno pleaded but firmness and pride was still in his voice.

Diego laughed and laughed until he finally pushed Eight towards Jeno, which Jeno quickly responded to by supporting Eight's weak body.

Eight knew this was all for an act but the pain she's feeling was all true. She condemned Diego for making it too believable.

Eight felt comfort at Jeno's hands. She looked up and saw Jeno supporting her back with his arm.

"Leave this place before I change my mind—and oh, Eight, was it? Welcome to Sin Nombre. I like your guts." Diego stated before walking away, the heels of his shoes clacking at its presence on the floor.

"Eight, what happened?" Mark asked as soon as the boss was out of sight.

"I... I don't... I didn't mean.." Eight stuttered as she tried to explain.

Jeno's jaw was clenched before he sighed and spoke. "Ask her later, Mark. Let's go home first."

"Are you okay?" Jaehyun suddenly spoke. Mark, Jeno, Lucas, and Mia suspiciously looked at Jaehyun. "What? Aren't we supposed to look out on our fellow members?"

"Leave this to us. I can handle her." Jeno said, his eyes locked on Jaehyun. "Let's go." Jeno turned his heel away, his arm snaked on Eight's waist, supporting her body.

The three members of Sueño headed home.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now