Healing and Benefits for Reckless Rabbits

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'Hmm...this feeling...why am I so warm and comfortable?' Bell thought as he felt his eyes wincing at the warm and bright feeling in his closed eyes. Trying to move his body, but was content with not wanting to move and rolled lightly in his dowzy state of mind.

'My left arm itches. And feels hard all of a sudden. And...is this a bed? Where am I?' Bell thought as he couldn't bring himself to stay asleep and opened his eyes. Wincing at how bright the sun was peeking from the windows and slowly got up.

His eyes adjusting to the room he was in. Blinking in surprise as to his left and right were dozens of flowers and even some plushies on the bed he was sleeping in. Looking down at himself to see he wasn't wearing his clothes he had on in the dungeon, but rather ones he had to wear when he needed a physical done on him when he first arrived.

"The hospital? How did I get here? Ah, that's right. That woman...Miss? Miss Tione must have brought me here after we left the dungeon. How kind of her." Bell whispered as he looked at his left arm and saw the cast placed on him. Testing it as he moved his fingers and let out a breath of relief when he felt and saw them moving as he wanted to.

"Thank you doctor that worked on my arm."

"You're quite welcome Bell. It's my job." His head snapped towards the doorway into the room. Smiling sheepishly and blushing as he saw a familiar face walk in. Her silver hair brished away from her purple eyes. Adjusting her small white hat that rested atop her head as she came closer to him with a clipboard in hand.

The sounds of her white boots clacking against the floor as she fixed her blue and white stripped outfit as she walked. Before stopping by his bedside and took his left hand and began to inspect it. Carefully tapping his finger's knuckles and moving his arm by the elbow to test for any discomfort.

"Though I would have preferred you coming by to visit, rather than to come for emergency surgery after barely settling in as an adventurer."

"S-Sorry. I didn't mean to get injured Doctor Teasanare."

"Bell, I've said it before you can call me by my first name. Not everyone calls me 'Doctor' and it feels odd."

"My bad. But it sorta feels impolite to call you by your name when you're working-"


"O-Okay. Sorry for worrying you, A-Airmid." Bell said with a blush on his face as he stracthed the back of his head. Making the girl smile as she placed down his left arm and wrote on her clipboard.

"Well. It appears that there isn't any pain or discomfort while I was testing your arm movement. Anything else that's bothering you about it?" Airmid asked as Bell moved his arm up and started to scratch by the base of his cast.

"Nothing else aside from feeling a bit itchy. But, how long was I out? I remember leaving the dungeon with Miss Tione carrying me. And then something about someone named Bete paying for damages?" Bell said as he quirked his eyebrow and squinted his eyes trying to remember anything else that happened.

"Only for a day. Thankfully the wound was a clean one and it didn't cause any cracks or broken bones. We've treated the bruises and bleeding with some potions and ointments and those healed quickly while we stitched your arm. Though...you had quite the problematic visitors that came by for you when word got out." She said as looking among the flowers and small gifts he received.

"Jagamarus...still warm. Did my goddess come by and drop these off for me?" Bell asked as he brought over a plate of fried potato snacks and felt the warmth and saw the steam coming off from them.

"Yes. Goddess Hestia was in quite the shock. If I hadn't warned her you were still recovering, she would have clung onto you and never left. She said once her shift was done, she would come and pick you up." Airmid said as she looked over to the other gifts and shook her head at the piles of flowers bigger than the others.

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