The Sun Shines Once Again!

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Meester ran towards you, immediately clutching on

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Meester ran towards you, immediately clutching on.

"Heh... hi, MT."

"Hey Tato!"

They didn't turn to face her, just kept holding onto you, like you were about to dissapear again.

"Nice to see you again... why do you both have books? And why are you waiting outside the store? It's clearly open!"

"Meester, we're waiting for Nerd. Also, these are for Juhmatok, she's coming back in three days."


You start to wonder if something happened between them while you were away. But eh, you can always ask Potato about that.

Yeah, you've always had to rely on her for the smallest shit.

"So... how's she doing?"

"Who, Nerd?"

"No, but... how is she, then?"

"Alright. I'm guessing you meant Midnight then?"


Okay, scrap that. It's more likely something happened between Midnight and Meester.

"She's been quite busy lately, mostly because of you know, her sister's coming back from the hospital and all that-"



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"You... never told him?"

"I... It's personal, and I-I didn't think it'd be right to just- sorry..."

"No, no, you have a point."

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