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"Do you think I'm just like him? To the man who usurped the throne of my family?" Daenerys asked insecure, because this time she really fears Athena's answer.

"You would have to try very hard to be like him, or his son. Robert is a terrible ruler of nature and Joffrey was born to be a tyrant, some things are already written" Athena replied leaning on the trunk of the tree "but pay attention to the people around you, because flatterers do not think of you but of themselves"


"It was cruel of me to compare you to him knowing how hard you are working to be one of the best queens this world has ever seen, a pitiful mistake. But I have faith in you, not as a subordinate, but as an ordinary person, without titles, without powers, just me"

"I was also angry, I felt that I was not having your support in my decisions, because lately, since the Stark subject began to be debated! Woman, you are hell when someone contradicts you! I was hurt because after Missandei and Grey Worm, you are the only person I trust and you always seemed to be there for me, but things got worse very quickly"

"You really weren't having my support at that moment, I won't deny it, everyone could see my discontent. But, again, forgive me for my selfishness, for having silenced your opinions, I acted in the wrong way, according to what was expected for me" Athena replied Daenerys, this time staring the queen in the eyes "my arrogance did not allow me to see that I had also been wrong in this story, it was wrong on my part not to have made an effort to listen to you, just as it was also wrong not to apologize to you"

"You answer me something, I know I gave you reasons to get angry with me, but can you explain to me what the hell happened after the first Council meeting on primary resources? And don't you dare lie! Until that moment you were only angry with me, then it turned into a disgust that you didn't know how to hide"

"Daenerys I was losing the desire to look at your face because of the things that were happening after our discussion. The atmosphere of hostility gave enough freedom for some nobles to feel comfortable enough to ridicule me in an attempt to pressure me to leave the palace. It got worse when they realized that it wasn't going to be easy, even if I was in a bad time with you, I was furious with you, I thought you knew that and agreed with their attitudes"

"Athena, what happened? Besides the mockery? Whatever it is, I swear to you that I would have interfered if I had known that they were going beyond all the limits!"

"Someone started spreading the rumors that I was a perverse witch who was bewitching the queen, the worst was not to be called a prostitute, the worst was almost to die burned because of the picks of the nobles. I was surrounded by a group of men after a mission in the village, they surrounded me and threw a substantial volatile and highly flammable, my luck was to have a lot of sand near the place where I was, the sand cuts the effect of the fire"

Maegor I and Aerys II looked like peaceful angels bought from Daenerys at that time, because Athena's last words completely took away from the queen any sense of kindness or piety. The fury was a very noticeable emotion on her face, the dark and dense feeling that lodged inside her, demanding that she hunt down such beings that disturbed the priestess, she had warned each of the men who lived about her reign that some lines should never be crossed. The walls of the palace shuddered with the rigids of Daenerys' dragons, the priestess knew that the connection between them was very deep and their reaction was a reflection of the queen's emotions. For the first time the queen was quiet, thoughtful, analyst, a silence that was deadly.

"Daenerys... no! No bloodshed! I know this expression on your face, all your ancestors made this face before burning many people" Athena interrupted the queen's dark thoughts by noticing her abrupt mood swing "let's do justice, but without killing anyone now, arrest them and wait for the Stark entourage to return home, the trial does not have to be a circus"

She really wanted, more than anyone, the people who threw the flammable liquid into her to answer for what they had done, she was not the most merciful person in the world. What prevented a disaster was Athena knowing that inflating someone's bloodthirsty instinct was a bad idea, because the person in a state of fury was like a leaking fuel tank, just waiting for someone to throw a lighter and then the big explosion dragging everything that is in a radius of proximity.

"You know I can't and I won't let it go unpunished, do you? I'm not going to act now, as you advised, but that doesn't mean that these attitudes will go unanswered" The queen replied amicably approaching Athena for the first time in a month "I promised you would be safe here, I failed and they almost killed you twice"

"I think we're going to get sick of hearing the word: forgiveness and its derivatives. We can't fix what has already happened, but we can work together to change the future" Athena interrupted the queen holding one of her hands tenderly "there are so many things we need to do, so many people who depend on you, so many people who need my help, and I miss you too"

I miss you too

Daenerys smiled genuinely with her words, with the promise of a new beginning. The queen's heart was softening just by observing the happiness on the priestess' face, this was a precious moment, a moment that she would keep forever in her mind.

"You should make a painting Dany" Athena's voice cut off her thoughts, as soon as the woman leaned to kiss the tip of the nose of the queen who thanked for being in the garden during the night, so the redness on her face was less noticeable.


〘 ——✯——〙


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