The seventh is Environmental Impact

While technology has brought about numerous benefits, it also has an environmental footprint. The production and disposal of electronic devices contribute to e-waste. The energy consumption of data centers and technology infrastructure is a growing concern. However, technology can also play a vital role in addressing environmental challenges. Innovations in renewable energy, smart grids, and energy-efficient buildings can help reduce the carbon footprint.

The eight is Social Impact

Modern technology has had a profound social impact, shaping our behaviors, values, and relationships. Social media can foster both positive and negative interactions. The prevalence of smartphones has raised concerns about screen addiction and its effects on mental health. Furthermore, the data-driven nature of technology has raised questions about privacy and surveillance, as well as the ethical use of personal information.

The last but not the least is  Ethical Considerations

As technology continues to advance, ethical considerations become increasingly important. Issues such as AI bias, data privacy, and the responsible development of autonomous systems must be addressed. Ethical guidelines and regulations are necessary to ensure that technology is used in a way that benefits humanity while minimizing harm.

In conclusion Modern technology is a double-edged sword that has reshaped nearly every facet of our lives. It has brought about unprecedented levels of connectivity, accessibility, and convenience, while also introducing new challenges and concerns. As we move forward, it is crucial to harness the power of technology for the betterment of society, address its ethical implications, and ensure that it serves as a tool for positive change. Our ability to adapt, innovate, and strike a balance between progress and responsibility will determine the impact of modern technology on our future.

Thank you" I finished and finally looked up . The whole class was staring at me. Then mr Alex started clapping and everyone else did too.

I smiled and went back to my seat. The other two read theirs and by the end the class had come to an end and Mr Alex was really impressed by our essays.

When he left Nana ran to me, "Viva are you sure you wrote that essay ahbi they wrote it for you because WHAT!!!!!" She questioned.

"I bought the essay" I rolled my eyes.

" Honestly it was really nice" Adnan said

"Thank youuu"I smiled

It was break time, we all went out Auwal  was  walking by my side when Yusuf came and  took Zara away. I noticed the instant change in Auwal's behavior. I just ignored it and sat at a table, today I wasn't really hungry so I didn't get anything.

As I was waiting for my friends to get thier food and come and seat. When khalifa stood near the table.

"Hi" he said to me.

"Hello"I replied looking at his face properly for the first time and omo he's a fine boy kai.

"May I seat?"

"Sure"I smiled.

"Thank you"

*You're welcomee"

"So how are you doing today?" He questioned.

"I'm fine Alhamdulilah"

" Okay then masha Allah, I noticed you were down yesterday so I just thought to check up on you"

" That's so thoughtful, thank you" 

" It's no bother. I'll get going now, bye" he said

"Bye" I replied

Then he stood up and left with one last smile ohh my God he has dimplesss, okay let me say this Astagfurullah, but he is a fine boy like dark and handsome. Plus his skin has this glow that I can't describe and to top it all his pink lips and dimple. Allahuma barik.

My people finally came to the table and from the way no one asked me anything I'm pretty sure they didn't notice my encounter with khalifa. I just kept my head on the table as I was still not in the mood for any conversation or anything.

"Viva are you okay?" Sani asked me. I just nodded and left to go back to the class. I took out a note and I decided to star drawing stars to escape reality for a while.

It was  finally closing time and I went  out with my friends and Ya Idris  had arrived already so  I went towards the gate with Haidar. We got home and you know the rest.....

Bye loves💞

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